在 Windows Server 2012 R2 中使用 OpenCV 的 Canny 函数时 C++ 崩溃

在 Windows Server 2012 R2 中使用 OpenCV 的 Canny 函数时 C++ 崩溃


while (true)

    if (frame.empty())

    cv::cvtColor(frame, frame, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    cv::GaussianBlur(frame, frame, cv::Size(3, 3), 1.8);

    cv::Mat edgeImage;
    cv::Canny(frame, edgeImage, 120, 255, 5);

    imshow("window", edgeImage);

带有 Update3 的 Visual Studio 2015.使用 OpenCV 3.4.3(x64) 构建 x64.

Visual Studio 2015 with Update3. Build it x64 with OpenCV 3.4.3(x64).


This is very strange error.

在 Windows7 中运行此应用程序时,没问题.但在 Windows Server 2012 R2 中,不工作.应用崩溃并死机.

When run this app in Windows7, It's OK. But in Windows Server 2012 R2, Not working. App crash and dead.


After app crash, I found log in Event Viewer in Control Panel.


Can't access file 'C:WindowsSystem32vcruntime140.dll'

但是文件在那里,而且我还安装了所有 VC++ 运行时重新分发包 (2005,2008,2010,2012,2013,2015) x86 和 x64.

But the file is in there, and also I installed all of VC++ runtime redistribution package (2005,2008,2010,2012,2013,2015) x86 and x64 both.

更多,这是最好的奇怪的东西.当我评论 cv::Canny 时,应用程序运行良好!(当然,我将 imshow 行下方更改为 imshow("window", frame);)

More, Here is best stange things. When I comment cv::Canny and app works just fine! (of course I change below imshow line to imshow("window", frame);)


I don't know what happended to this application... Please give me any advice.

由于某些原因,我无法在 Server 2012 R2 中使用 VS2015 进行调试


服务器 CPU 为 Intel Xeon Gold 6126.

The server CPU is Intel Xeon Gold 6126.

我认为 OpenCV 3.4.3 有一个关于它的错误.

I think OpenCV 3.4.3 has a bug about it.

OpenCV 3.4.5 运行良好.

OpenCV 3.4.5 works great.