


Hello I am working with an ajax post function, where I send data and my callback from PHP returns some data back. Based on the data returned I make the decision, either to go forward or allow the user to stay on the page and make changes.

        if (validateStep(step))
            var data = document.getElementById('hiddenContact').value;
            $.post('/app/controller/action', {'data':data}, function(returndata){if(returndata.match('not Unique'))alert('Contact source already exists'); else if(returndata.match('not posted')){alert("Not posted to the database");return false;}});
        step = step + 1;
        form[0].action = '/app/controller/index/step:'+step;
        document.getElementById('step').value = step;

Here I am trying to stop the application going ahead when the return data is matched to "not posted", and I am throwing an alert and then a return false to stop the operation. I am unable to stop the application from going to next step though. Though it is returned false, the operation continues to the next step, but when I comment the last 4 lines which increment the step, set the action and submit, it stays on the page and the alert is thrown.

Does anybody know what I should do in order halt my process from submission??

您好我正在使用ajax post函数,我发送数据,我的回调函数返回一些数据。 根据返回的数据,我做出决定,要么继续前进,要么允许用户留在页面上并进行更改。 p>

 if(step == 1)
 var data = document.getElementById('hiddenContact')。value; 
 $ .post('/ app / controller / action',{'data':data  },function(returndata){if(returndata.match('not unique'))alert('Contact source already exists');否则if(returndata.match('not posted')){alert(“not posted to the  database“); return false;}}); 
 step = step + 1; 
 form [0] .action ='/ app / controller / index / step:'+ step; 
 document.getElementById  ('step')。value = step; 
 form [0] .submit(); 
  code>  pre> 

这里我试图阻止应用程序运行 当返回数据与“未发布”匹配时,我正在抛出警报,然后返回false以停止操作。 我无法阻止应用程序进入下一步。 虽然返回false,但操作会继续执行下一步,但是当我评论最后4行增加步骤时,设置操作并提交,它将保留在页面上并抛出警报。 p>

有人知道我应该做什么来暂停我的提交过程吗? p> div>

AJAX calls are asynchronous. The "false" you are returning is on the success callback, not on the handler you have shown there. So the last four steps always execute, before the AJAX call even reaches the server. You can fix this by changing ajax response callback to deal with this, like so:

if (validateStep(step))
    var next_step = function() {
        step = step + 1;
        form[0].action = '/app/controller/index/step:'+step;
        document.getElementById('step').value = step;

        var data = document.getElementById('hiddenContact').value;
        $.post('/app/controller/action', { 'data':data }, function(returndata) {
            if (returndata.match('not Unique')) alert('Contact source already exists');
            else if (returndata.match('not posted')) alert("Not posted to the database");
            else next_step();
    else next_step();

your process to continue to the next step is outside of your IF statement and will always run.

can you not do this:

    if (validateStep(step))
            var data = document.getElementById('hiddenContact').value;
            $.post('/app/controller/action', {'data':data}, function(returndata){
                if(returndata.match('not Unique')) {
                    alert('Contact source already exists');

                    step = step + 1;
                    form[0].action = '/app/controller/index/step:'+step;
                    document.getElementById('step').value = step;

                } else if (returndata.match('not posted')){
                    alert("Not posted to the database");
                    return false;