



I have an eclipse workspace located on a server and a friend and I would like to be able to simultaneously work on a project at the same time. The problem I run into is that once I open the workspace on one computer it won't allow you to open it on the other computer (will throw an error saying it is already open). We are currently using dropbox but would like the server since that would be instant instead of waiting for dropbox to sync.


As you've discovered, you can't have one Eclipse workspace open simultaneously on two machines.

这就是编码项目使用Subversion或Git的原因。我不熟悉Git。 Subversion允许多个人制作项目的副本。当您要对Subversion进行更改时,Subversion会管理任何源冲突。

That's why coding projects use either Subversion or Git. I'm not familiar with Git. Subversion allows multiple people to make a copy of the project. When you want to commit your changes to Subversion, Subversion manages any source conflicts.


Afterwards, you update your project to bring in the other person's (people's) code changes, so that you workspace copies of the project remain synchronized.

我确定Git做同样的事情,只是使用不同的术语。 GitHub 是一个允许您免费托管公共项目的网站,可让您使用Git或Subversion连接工具。

I'm sure Git does the same thing, just using different terms. GitHub is one web site that allows you to host public projects for free and lets you use either a Git or a Subversion connection tool.