


I have a query that I'm running in php. The DB is SQL Server 2008. The query in PHP is:

"SELECT * FROM applicants WHERE applicants.families_id = '{$family_array['id']}'";

Where the $family_array id is matched against the families_id. I get a single row as a result. I save that row to an array in PHP by using the mssql_fetch_array function. When I print this array I get the following:

    [0] => 26
    [id] => 21
    [1] => 21
    [user_id] => 21
    [2] => Kristi
    [mother_fname] => Kristi
    [3] => Lochala
    [mother_lname] => Lochala
    [4] => Nathan
    [father_fname] => Nathan
    [5] => Lochala
    [father_lname] => Lochala
    [6] => 
    [app_emergency] => 
    [7] => 
    [upload_mother_passport] => 
    [8] => 
    [upload_mother_visa] => 
    [9] => 
    [upload_father_passport] => 
    [10] => 0
    [upload_father_visa] => 0
    [11] => nathan-lochala
    [user_added_username] => nathan-lochala
    [12] => Mar 19 2013 01:00:37:660PM
    [user_added_date] => Mar 19 2013 08:48:00:000AM
    [13] =>
    [user_added_ip] =>
    [14] => 
    [user_updated_username] => 
    [15] => 
    [user_updated_date] => 
    [16] => 
    [user_updated_ip] => 
    [17] => 21
    [18] => nathan-lochala
    [username] => nathan-lochala
    [19] => b9a234cb37ce2b75d77befecabfa650e39489e0b
    [hash_password] => b9a234cb37ce2b75d77befecabfa650e39489e0b
    [20] => Nathan
    [fname] => Nathan
    [21] => Lochala
    [lname] => Lochala
    [22] => 2
    [num_child] => 2
    [23] => Mar 19 2013 08:48:00:000AM
    [24] =>
    [25] => 
    [26] => 
    [27] => nathan-lochala@shk.qsi.org
    [email] => nathan-lochala@shk.qsi.org
    [28] => parent
    [access] => parent

If you notice, the index [0] does not match the corresponding key value [id]. Why is this? I've ran the exact same query using the SQL Server Manager and it performs as expected, but when I fetch that array in PHP only the first key value gets skewed. I've tried everything I can think of short of recreating the table. Any ideas?

EDIT: Running mssql_fetch_assoc() gives me the following results:

    [id] => 21
    [user_id] => 21
    [mother_fname] => Kristi

enter image description here

enter image description here

You are not including all the pertinent information either in the posted SQL or in the table data/structure you've included. Your query is SELECT * FROM applicants WHERE applicants.families_id = ? yet the table structure you've posted does not contain a families_id column (nor is it named applicants). Nor does it contain much of the data in the posted array, e.g., hash_password, username, etc.

From this I deduce that you're actually doing a JOIN on a users table. What's most likely occurring is that the JOIN is including the id column from the users table which is overwriting the id in the main table (families/applicant, whatever it's called) once the array is built. user_id is already included in your main table so you should explicitly list the columns in your SQL statement, leaving out the users.id column.

You need to make it mssql_fetch_array($result, MSSQL_ASSOC) as MSSQL_BOTH is assumed.

I found the answer here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.mssql-fetch-array.php