


trying to develop a class associated with table(like in frameworks). assume we have a class named Book

class Book
  public function save()


$book = new book;
$book->id = '1';
$book->name = 'some';

the problem is how can i access this dynamically created properties inside save() to save new record

尝试开发一个与表相关的类(如在框架中)。 assume我们有一个名为Book的类 p>

  class Book 
 public function save()
 $ book = new book  ; 
 $ book-> id ='1'; 
 $ book-> name ='some'; 
 $ book-> save(); 
  code>  pre> 

问题是如何在save()中访问这个动态创建的属性以保存新记录 p> div>

You could do it that way (note that there are other solutions to this problem) :

public function save() {
    $properties = get_object_vars($this);
    // do something with it.

You can find properties in an object with:

$properties = get_object_vars($book);

See: http://php.net/manual/en/function.get-object-vars.php

here is complete code that you should use:


class Book
  public function save()
     $vars = get_object_vars($this);


$book = new book;
$book->id = '1';
$book->name = 'some';

