


MySQL Query works fine using MySQL workbench but produces an error when I am executing it through PHP.

$sql = "INSERT INTO authors (submission_id, first_name, last_name, email, affiliation, country)
VALUES ('83', 'Chris', 'Hobbit', '','Maryland', 'PK');

UPDATE articles
SET title='83',
abstract = 'Comp'
where article_id = '83'; 

$result = Model::getConnection()->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error(Model::getConnection()));

This is the error I get from PHP.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UPDATE articles SET title='83', abstract = 'Comp' where article_id = '8' at line 1

Yet this same SQL script works fine on MySQL workbench. Whats the problem?

MySQL Query使用MySQL工作台正常工作但在我通过PHP执行时会产生错误。 p> \ n

  $ sql =“INSERT INTO authors(submission_id,first_name,last_name,email,affiliation,country)
VALUES('83','Chris','Hobbit','asfasf @  ','马里兰','PK'); 
SET title = '83',
abstract ='Comp'
 where article_id = '83'; 
 $ result = Model :: getConnection() - > query($ sql)或die(mysqli_error(Model :: getConnection())); 
  code>  pre> 
 这是我从PHP得到的错误。 p> 

您的SQL语法中有错误; 检查 对应于您的MySQL服务器版本的手册,以获得正确的语法,使用 “UPDATE articles SET title ='''',abstract ='Comp',其中 article_id ='8'在第1行 p > blockquote>

然而,这个相同的SQL脚本在MySQL工作台上运行良好。 问题是什么? p> div>

You cannot execute multiple queries with mysql_query. Split your query into two (and get rid of the semicolons I think) and call mysql_query twice

Put your sql statement on two variables

 $query = "INSERT INTO authors (submission_id, first_name, last_name, email, affiliation, country)
 VALUES ('83', 'Chris', 'Hobbit', '','Maryland', 'PK')";

 $query1 = "UPDATE articles SET title='83', abstract = 'Comp' where article_id = '83'"; 

Then execute your queries:

 $result = Model::getConnection()->query($query) or die(mysqli_error(Model::getConnection()));
 $result = Model::getConnection()->query($query1) or die(mysqli_error(Model::getConnection()));