如何在visual studio 2008中使用数据库创建.exe

如何在visual studio 2008中使用数据库创建.exe



我在vs 2008中创建了一个以sql server 2008为数据库的项目。



Hello all,

I have created a project in vs 2008 with sql server 2008 as database.
Now i want to make a setup file(exe), which can be installed on any computer.
Please help me how to do the same.

USE Visual Studio Windows应用程序安装项目


Visual Studio Windows应用程序设置项目 [ ^ ]
USE Visual Studio Windows Application Setup Project

Take a look here :

Visual Studio Windows Application Setup Project[^]




1)将一个名为DB的文件夹添加到项目中,并在分离后将数据库文件复制到其中来自你的sql server。


look this example

We can implement auto attach database just use the connection string following.

1) Add a folder named "DB" to the project, and copy the database file into it after you detach it from your sql server.

2) Change your connection string like this:
        <add name="WindowsFormsApplication1.Properties.Settings.BabakConnectionString">
            connectionString="Data Source=.;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\DB\Babak.mdf;
            Initial Catalog=test;Integrated Security=True"
            providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

3)之后,当您运行应用程序时,数据库文件将自动附加到sql server,并且数据库名称为test,您可以打开sql server management studio查找它。

3) After these, the database file will auto attach to the sql server when you run your application, and the database name is "test", you can open the sql server management studio to find it.