


I'd like to have a simple connection between my MYSQL-database using PHP and JSON-arrays. I want to both send and receive data to database by using the Phone-7 app.

Anyone who has a good solution for using this type of communication for building a Phone7 application? I know how to do this in Android, but i don't know if it's possible to do the same using Phone7 developer SDK (Visual Studio, Express for Windows Phone).

I will program in Visual C#, Windows Phone Application. If you have any solutions, please show me both Visual C#, PHP and JSON snippets!

我想在使用PHP和JSON数组的MYSQL数据库之间建立一个简单的连接。 我希望使用Phone-7应用程序向数据库发送和接收数据。 p>

任何有使用此类通信构建Phone7应用程序的良好解决方案的人? 我知道如何在Android中执行此操作,但我不知道是否可以使用Phone7开发人员SDK(Visual Studio,Express for Windows Phone)执行相同操作。 p>

我将使用Visual C#,Windows Phone应用程序进行编程。 如果您有任何解决方案,请向我展示Visual C#,PHP和JSON片段! p> div >

I would look into using RestSharp for the communication. Should be easy enough for you to write a C# API for your service with this.

Your question is somewhat vague. I mean, Java and C# aren't that different when it comes to REST requestions, and parsing JSON. It's something you have libraries for in both languages, and besides that you just create the entities you wish to (de)serialize to.