



I wanted to remove a single folder from the image collection, however, I somehow managed to throw the entire xcassets file into the trash.


The normal 'Put back' method is not available, and simply dragging the deleted folder to Xcode yields an error:

要保存文件,请提供其他名称,或移开或 删除现有文件,然后重试.

"Images.xcassets" couldn't be copied to "ProjectPear" because an item with the same name already exists.
To save the file, either provide a different name, or move aside or delete the existing file, and try again.


I'm not sure where this collection is located within my Xcode project, as the navigator doesn't appear to show anything, and the command-line isn't dropping any hints either. I'm afraid to mess around with the project.pbxproj file, as it might jumble up a lot more than just my image collection.


Dragging the files back to Finder from Trash was successful, however, the Xcode navigator no longer recognises - or in this case, still doesn't recognise - the .xcassets file. I'm not sure whether to add something in the .pbxproj file.


I just did this myself and figured out how to quickly remedy the issue.

  1. 转到 Finder 中的项目文件夹.您应该发现 文件夹 Images.xcassets 仍然存在.

  1. Go to the project folder in the Finder. You should find that the folder Images.xcassets is still there.

将其移动到类似 Desktop 之类的单独位置.它 仍然拥有所有图像和json文件.

Move it to a separate location like to the Desktop or something. It still has all of the images and json files.


Jump back to Xcode and create a new asset catalog for images.

File > New > File... > Resource > Asset Catalog



Quit Xcode and return to the Finder.

将文件夹从您的 Images.xcassets 内复制到 new 项目中的 Images.xcassets 目录.

Copy the folders from within your old Images.xcassets to the new Images.xcassets directory in your project.


Launch Xcode and you're back in business!