无法生成水晶报告 - 不正确的登录参数

无法生成水晶报告 - 不正确的登录参数



I have been trying to generate my report but this error keeps showing up. Can any one please tell me what can be the issue, what can be the possible solutions to rectify the problem.

Logon failed. Details: mscorlib : Could not find a part of the
path 'E:\OPCollectionSUMMARYReportXML.xml'. Error in File
C:\Users\arifkhan\AppData\Local\Temp\OPCollectionDetailsReport {89FDC9CF-5AE2-45E7-
B382- 28318AD342A2}.rpt: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.

配置:C#(VS2005),水晶报表8,SQL Server Management Studio中

Configuration: C# (VS2005), Crystal Report 8, SQL Server Management Studio.


Thanks in Advance and have a good day!


We solved 4 issues like that this week, i will share here.

  1. 与子报表的报告。主报告和报表使用相同的XSD作为数据源。该XSD定义了5个表。 5表加入到主报告,但是仅3加入到该子报表。我们删除了主报告2额外表和它的工作。

  1. A report with a subreport. The main report and the subreport use the same XSD as the data source. The XSD defines 5 tables. The 5 tables was added to the main report, but only 3 was added to the subreport. We removed the 2 "extra" tables of the main report and it worked.


We had another issue very similar to the first one, but the main report had fewer tables. We just added the "extra" tables in the main report, so that the main report and the subreport now have the same tables and it worked.

一个同事说他把内容作为Visual Studio项目XSD文件的建设行动,它理应奏效。但我没有尝试过检查。

A coworker said he put "content" as the "build action" of the XSD file in the visual studio project and it supposedly worked. But i did not tried it to check.

一个报告,用2 XSD文件。我们改变了它仅使用1 XSD文件和它的工作。

A report was using 2 XSD files. We changed it to use only 1 XSD files and it worked.