


i have my HTML file:

<form action="input_db.php" method="post">
Name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
E-mail: <input type="text" name="email"><br>
<input type="submit">

and PHP file in the same directory:

Welcome <?php echo $_GET["name"]; ?><br>
Your email address is: <?php echo $_GET["email"]; ?>

Both running on a "UniServer Zero XIII" on my local windwos maschine

the problem is that the echo just not work

https://www.w3schools.com/php/php_forms.asp its this example from w3schools


此问题已经存在 这里有一个答案: p>

  • ”注意:未定义的变量“,”注意:未定义的索引“和”通知:未定义的偏移“使用PHP 28 answers span> li> ul> div>

    我有我的HTML文件: p>

     &lt; form action =“input_db.php”method =“post”&gt; 
    Name:&lt; input type =“text”name  =“name”&gt;&lt; br&gt; 
    E-mail:&lt; input type =“text”name =“email”&gt;&lt; br&gt; 
    &lt; input type =“submit”&gt; 
    &lt; / form&gt  ; 
      code>  pre> 

    和PHP文件在同一目录中: p>

     欢迎&lt;?php echo $ _GET [“ 名称”];  ?&gt;&lt; br&gt; 
    您的电子邮件地址是:&lt;?php echo $ _GET [“email”];  ?&gt; 
      code>  pre> 

    在本地windwos机器上的“UniServer Zero XIII”上运行 p>

    问题是 回声不起作用 p>

    https://www.w3schools .com / php / php_forms.asp 来自w3schools的这个例子 p> div>

You sending the data in form with the "POST" method and you trying to get it with $_GET variable;

you can edit the form method to "get" :

<form action="input_db.php" method="get">

Or try to get the data with the $_POST["name"] variable

You set the method to POST in the form.
So you need to use POST["name"] instead of GET["name"] in your PHP