


在Oracle 10g中,当我在表中使用 DATE 类型时,我遇到了一个问题。我只是希望我的 DATE 字段存储只有 DATE 没有时间自动。

In Oracle 10g I got a problem when using DATE type in my table. I just want my DATE field store only DATE without time automatically.

有很多解决方案,我知道它就像使用 TO_CHAR TO_DATE TRUNC ,但是我面对的是我使用这么多的程序来插入或更新数据,没有时间更新所有这些。

There's so much solution, I know it like using TO_CHAR and TO_DATE or TRUNC but I faced that I'm using so much procedures to insert or update data and have no time to update all of them.


How could I resolve this problem?


  1. 从DATE列中删除所有时间(更新yourtable set yourdatecolumn = trunc(yourdatecolumn)

通过使用 check(yourdatecolumn = trunc(yourdatecolumn))$ c)在列上放置检查约束,确保所有未来的日期都不包含时间部分$ c>

调整所有INSERT和UPDATE语句,或者 - 如果您幸运 - 调整您的API,只能插入TRUNCed日期。

adjust all your INSERT and UPDATE statements or -if you're lucky- adjust your API, to only insert TRUNCed dates.


The easiest solution would be to:

  1. (可选)从DATE列中删除所有时间。

  1. (Optionally) remove all times from your DATE column.

创建前一行插入或更新数据库触发器,设置:new.yourdatecolumn:= trunc(:new.yourdatecolumn);

Create a before row insert or update database trigger that sets :new.yourdatecolumn := trunc(:new.yourdatecolumn);