将Qt 5 QML应用程序部署到真实的Android设备

将Qt 5 QML应用程序部署到真实的Android设备


有许多教程,介绍如何使用Qt for Android构建应用程序.因此,我按以下步骤进行操作:

There are many tutorials how to build an application with Qt for Android. So I do it in these steps:

  1. 已安装Android SDK,NDK,JDK和Apache Ant
  2. 为Android安装了Qt 5.2
  3. 创建了简单的QML应用程序.
  4. 通过AVD Manager配置的虚拟设备
  5. 我尝试运行它,并在我的应用程序中打开了Emulator窗口.好的,一切都按预期进行.
  6. 现在,我想在真实设备上运行它.我有Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 P5100,所以我启用了USB调试并将其连接到PC.


But when I run the application, in "Select Android device" window I see only emulator, not real device.


So how can I run the application on real device?

最简单的方法是遵循文档 http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qtcreator-2.8/creator-deploying-android.html

The easiest way is to follow the documentation http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qtcreator-2.8/creator-deploying-android.html


Using Ministro to manage having apk to deploy on real device is especialy a good point.
