当响应是随机顺序的 JSON 对象数组时,如何在 KarateAPI 中验证响应对象

当响应是随机顺序的 JSON 对象数组时,如何在 KarateAPI 中验证响应对象



      "value" :"abc"
      "value" :"xyz"

我想验证该值是否为abc";对于 ID123"在我的回复中.

I would want to verify the value is "abc" for the id "123" in my response.

如果我的响应中 JSON 对象的顺序得到保证,我会使用以下方法进行验证:

If the order of the JSON objects in my response is assured , I would have valdiated using:

* match respone.success[0].value == "abc"

但是我的响应中对象的顺序是未知的.如何检查值是否为abc"?对于 ID123"

But my order of the objects in the response is unknown. How can I check if the value is "abc" for an id "123"


Here you go. Please refer to the docs where everything is already explained:

* def found = $response.success[?(@.id=='123')]
* match found[0] contains { value: 'abc' }

提示,您可以重构 JSON 以使其更易于管理:

A tip, you can refactor the JSON to be easier to manage:

* def fun = function(x){ var key = x.id; var res = {}; res[key] = x.value; return res }
* def data = karate.map(response.success, fun)
* match data == [{ '123': 'abc' }, { '456': 'xyz' }]


Again, please refer to the docs and other answers: https://github.com/intuit/karate#json-transforms