


Let's suppose I have a table that is iterated through foreach loops and the items are coming from database.

for instance,

    <?php while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){?>
      <td><?php echo $row['id'] ?></td>
      <td><?php echo $row['name'] ?></td>
      <input type="button" name="add" />
    <?php }?>

Now there is a button in every row that would be iterated and what I want that when I click add that specific item should be added in an array or a list. It would allow me to add as many items as I want and then at the end I would insert them in database with just one click.

I studied jQuery in class but couldn't learn much. Since it is client-side scripting language thus this thing would only be achieved by this I guess.

Can someone care to help? Thank you :)

check my example. run the snippet for testing. u will get the array of ids on every click on add button. then u can just add another button to submit, and on the click event of that button u can just make an ajax call to your php file with the array as data.

  var array_ids = [];
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table border="1">
      <td class="row_id">1</td>
      <td><button class="add_button">Add</button></td>
      <td class="row_id">2</td>
      <td><button class="add_button">Add</button></td>
      <td class="row_id">3</td>
      <td><button class="add_button">Add</button></td>
      <td class="row_id">4</td>
      <td><button class="add_button">Add</button></td>
