UITableViewCell自定义类 - 在子视图高度约束中更改后重新加载单元格高度

UITableViewCell自定义类 - 在子视图高度约束中更改后重新加载单元格高度


我在自定义 UITableViewCell 类中有一个按钮。它显示/隐藏视图(同一单元格的一部分)。单元格的高度应该在这样做时改变。

这是按钮动作(在 UITableViewCell 自定义类中):

I have a button in custom UITableViewCell class. It shows/hides a view (part of same cell). The height of cell should change on doing that.
This is the button action (in UITableViewCell custom class):

@IBAction func showHideCartView(sender: UIButton)
        if sender.tag == 1
            // Show cart view
            self.buttonArrow.tag = 2
            self.viewAddToCart.isHidden = false
            self.constraint_Height_viewAddToCart.constant = 50
            self.buttonArrow.setImage(UIImage(named: "arrowUp.png"), for: .normal)
            // Hide cart view
            self.buttonArrow.tag = 1
            self.viewAddToCart.isHidden = true
            self.constraint_Height_viewAddToCart.constant = 0
            self.buttonArrow.setImage(UIImage(named: "arrowDown.png"), for: .normal)



The height of cell remains unchanged. It is only when I scroll the UITableView and revisit the cell, it's height gets updated.

将以下方法添加到 c $ c

Add the following method to the viewController with the tableView to refresh the table when a cell is expanded:

func refreshTableAfterCellExpansion() {

在更新约束后调用方法。如果按钮操作单元格内的约束,则需要通知 viewController 有关更改,以便您可以调用该方法。使用委托模式(或直接传递 tableView 引用每个可扩展单元格 - 只记得将其存储为 weak 变量),或使用 NotificationCenter.default 发布通知。

Call the method after the constraints have been updated. If the button manipulates the constraints inside the cell, you will need to notify the viewController about the change so that you can call the method. Either use a delegate pattern (or pass directly a tableView reference to each expandable cell - just remember to store it as weak variable), or post a notification using NotificationCenter.default.