



I need to catch and log all messages sended by objects in Cocoa app. And also I need list of object instances in runtime. It's is posible?

使用 dtrace 到系统。请参阅MacTech的这篇精彩的介绍性文章

Use dtrace, it's already built-in to the system. See this great introductory article at MacTech.

Dtrace 是一个系统级标准机制,因此您可以记录活动。各种系统API通知内核,即每个系统调用,每个 objc_msgSend 等生成可跟踪点,您可以将dtrace脚本传递到内核以记录这些活动。非常强大。

Dtrace is a system-wide standard mechanism so that you can log activities. Various system APIs notify the kernel, i.e. every system call, every objc_msgSend, etc generates a traceable point, and you can pass dtrace script to the kernel to log these activities. It's very powerful.

作为练习,请将以下内容放入一个名为 objc.d 的文件中:

As an exercise, please put the following into a file called objc.d:

    printf("[%s %s]\n", probemod,probefunc);


$ sudo dtrace -q -s objc.d -p 3333

其中3333应该是一些Cocoa应用程序的pid。你将得到发送给任何对象的每条消息的日志! Woo-hoo!

where 3333 should be the pid of some Cocoa app. You'll get a log of every message sent to any object! Woo-hoo!