如何防止用户在我的网站上使用广告拦截器? [关闭]

如何防止用户在我的网站上使用广告拦截器?  [关闭]


Hey any one know how to prevent users to use ad blocker on my site.I just want to request them not to use it on my site..

任何人都知道如何防止用户在我的网站上使用广告拦截器。我只想要求他们不要 在我的网站上使用它.. p> div>

Make a Javascript file called advertisement.js with this code:

var noadblock = true;

Include it on your page somewhere:

<script type="text/javascript" src="advertisement.js"></script>

The idea is that adblock will block the file called advertisement.js and your var will never be created. So you can use this to take action based on whether the var exists or not:

window.onload = funtion(){
    if (noadblock){
        // no adblock
        // adblock detected, do stuff here

Updated cus somone in the comments had a better idea.