从javascript获取数据后无法从$ _POST获取数据

从javascript获取数据后无法从$ _POST获取数据


I am sending data to php from javascript in this format :

var str = $('#description').summernote('code');
    var formData =  $('#form').serialize();
    var formData2=formData+'&data='+encodeURIComponent(str);

                            type: 'POST',
                            url: 'test.php',
                            data: formData2,
                            cache: false,
                            success: function (data) {


But, I'm unable to get the data in php. I'm using :


to get title but it says that the index is not found and this it is an array and not a string . HOw can I get 'title' data along with many other values?

But ,

$myfile = fopen("test.txt", "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($myfile, var_export($_POST, true));

gives me this :

array (
  'title' => 'test title',
  'from_datetime' => '',
 'sno' => ''22,

raw format from javascript console:



 <div id="form_div" >
            <form id="form"  method="post" action="javascript:submit_data();" >

                    <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12">
                        <input name="title" id="title" placeholder="title" type="text" class="form-control" >


  <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12">
                        <input name="desc" id="desc" placeholder="desc" type="text" class="form-control" >



It seems you do not send the appropriate data through ajax. Try to serialize all the data from your form

var dataSerialized = $('#form').serialize();

     type: 'POST',
     url: 'test.php',
     data: dataSerialized,
     cache: false,
     success: function (data) {

Then do a var_dump($_POST); in your test.php file to see if you receive the title field. More about serialize()

The $_POST by definition passes an associative array of variables, so the following formatting is normal.

array (
  'title' => 'test title',
  'from_datetime' => '',
  'sno' => ''22

What is not normal is that you do not have the same fields in the array as compared to the html code you show.

Is your code checking if the request is a post before running through? The foreach will skip over if there is nothing in $_POST to loop through.

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