如何将数据发送到PHP脚本并使用jQuery AJAX load()指令

如何将数据发送到PHP脚本并使用jQuery AJAX load()指令


I want to commit the string "123456" to the aaa.php script with the jQuery load() function. The general syntax of the load() function looks like this:


In my case I use the function in the following way


How can I get access to the string "123456" inside the following php script?

  $input; //this should be the string "123456"
  //some calculations
  echo result;

我想将字符串“123456” code>提交到 aaa.php code>脚本与jQuery load() code>函数。 load()函数的一般语法如下所示: p>


在我的情况下,我按以下方式使用该函数 p>

  $(“#htmlElement”)。load(“  scripts / aaa.php“,'123456'); 
  code>  pre> 

如何访问以下字符串”123456“ code> php脚本? p>

 $ input;  //这应该是字符串“123456”
  code>  pre> 

In order to use .load() to send data you would have to enclose the data properly:


Once done the value will be available in the POST array:

$input = $_POST['data']; // will be 123456

You can assign '123456' to an element, and then call it back in the php e.g.

$( "#new-projects" ).load( "/resources/load.html #projects li" );

Have a read of this, it explained the load function perfectly allowing you to find your answer - http://api.jquery.com/load/

In Js:


In php you can access a post string like below:

$input = $_POST['data'];