


I have a question, I didn't clearly understand what Closures uses on OOP, but I did something like this:

<?php /** * */ 
class Xsample {
public static $name; 
public static $address = array("Mandaluyong", "City"); 
public static function setName ($name) {
self::$name = $name; 
public static function getName() {
echo self::$name; 
public static function sub ($func) {
return call_user_func_array($func, self::$address); 
Xsample::sub(function ($address) {
echo $address; 

and it echo "Mandaluyong". I'm expecting that it'll return an array from Xsample::$address but it didn't. Could someone please explain this to me?

call_user_func_array passes the 2nd argument's elements as paramters to the function being called. so if your function had another parameter it will work.

Xsample::sub(function ($address, $address2) {
echo $address; 
echo $address2; 