


I've no idea what is going on here, but I cannot get two mysql statements to add content to my db via the mysql_query. Here is my code:

function sendDataToDB() {

    // first send the user to the users table
    $audio_survey = new dbclass();
    $audio_survey -> connectToDB();

    $sql = $_SESSION['user']['sql'];

    $audio_survey -> queryTable($sql);

    // get the current users' ID number from the table
    $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE name=\"" . $_SESSION['user']['name'] . "\"";

    $result = $audio_survey -> queryTable($sql);
    $output = $audio_survey -> getDataFromDB($result);

    $user_id = $output['user_id'];

    $songs = $_SESSION['songs'];

    foreach ($songs as $song) {

            $sql .= "INSERT INTO survey (user_id, song, genre, emotion, time_date) VALUES ($user_id, \"" . $song['song'] . "\", \"" . $song['genre'] . "\", \"" . $song['emotion'] . "\", \"" . $song['time_date'] . "\");<br />";
    $audio_survey -> queryTable($sql);
    $audio_survey -> closeDBconnection();

Everything works, as in a user gets added to my "users" table, but when the variable $sql is passed into mysql_query then I get this error:

Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INSERT INTO survey (user_id, song, genre, emotion, time_date) VALUES (3, "one mo' at line 1

I've tried pasting in the statement I have concatenated using the $sqlvariable straight into the sql query box in phpMyAdmin and it works! This is what the foreach loop produces that works in phpMyAdmin, but not the mysql_query function! I've made sure I have allocated enough space for characters, etc.

INSERT INTO survey (user_id, song, genre, emotion, time_date) VALUES (3, "one more time", "dance", "happy", "15:32:21 07-11-14");
INSERT INTO survey (user_id, song, genre, emotion, time_date) VALUES (3, "dance dance dance", "disco", "relaxed", "15:32:28 07-11-14");

我不知道这里发生了什么,但是我无法获得两个mysql语句来向我的数据库添加内容 通过 mysql_query code>。 这是我的代码: p>

  function sendDataToDB(){
 $ audio_survey = new dbclass(); 
  $ audio_survey  - &gt;  connectToDB(); 
 $ sql = $ _SESSION ['user'] ['sql']; 
 $ audio_survey  - &gt;  queryTable($ sql); 
 $ sql =“SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE name = \”“。$ _SESSION ['user'] ['name'  ]。“\”“; 
 $ result = $ audio_survey  - &gt;  queryTable($ sql); 
 $ output = $ audio_survey  - &gt;  getDataFromDB($ result); 
 $ user_id = $ output ['user_id']; 
 $ songs = $ _SESSION ['songs']; 
 foreach($ songs as $ song){\  n 
 $ sql。=“INSERT INTO survey(user_id,song,genre,emotion,time_date)VALUES($ user_id,\”“。$ song ['song']。”\“,\”“。$ song [  'genre']。“\”,\“”。$ song ['emotion']。“\”,\“”。$ song ['time_date']。“\”);&lt; br /&gt;“;  
 $ audio_survey  - &gt;  queryTable($ sql); 
 $ audio_survey  - &gt;  closeDBconnection(); 
  code>  pre> 

一切正常,就像用户被添加到我的“users”表中一样,但是当变量 $ sql 传递到 mysql_query code>然后我收到此错误: p>

错误:您的SQL语法有错误; 查看与您的MySQL服务器版本相对应的手册,以便在'INSERT INTO调查(user_id,song,genre,emotion,time_date)值附近使用正确的语法(3,“1 mo”在第1行 em> p >

我已经尝试将我已经使用 $ sql code>变量连接的语句直接粘贴到phpMyAdmin的sql查询框中并且它正常工作!这就是 foreach code>循环生成在phpMyAdmin中,但不是 mysql_query code>函数!我已经确保为角色等分配了足够的空间。 p>

  INSERT INTO调查(user_id,song,genre,emotion,time_date)VALUES(3,“再一次”,“跳舞”,“快乐”,“15:32:21 07-11-14”);  
INSERT INTO调查(user_id,song,genre,emotion,time_date)VALUES(3,“舞蹈舞蹈”,“迪斯科”,“放松”,“15:32:28 07-11-14”); 

$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM users ...";


foreach ($songs as $song) {
    $sql .= "INSERT INTO survey ...";

You are adding all the queries together using the (.=) string concatenation operator. You need to use normal assignment, and move queryTable($sql) into the loop.

foreach ($songs as $song) {
    $sql = "INSERT INTO survey ...";
    $audio_survey -> queryTable($sql);

Note also that the MySQL extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future. You should use MySQLi or PDO instead.


mysql_query() sends a unique query (multiple queries are NOT supported)

Docu-cite-service (tm)

You need to either use Nisse's approach, while calling mysql_query() inside the loop - or use something else, that allows to execute multiple queries within one statement rather than the deprecated mysql_query method.

Another option would be to rewrite your concatenation logic, so it generates one query for multiple inserts:

   (user_id, song, genre, emotion, time_date) 
   (3, "one more time", "dance", "happy", "15:32:21 07-11-14"),
   (3, "dance dance dance", "disco", "relaxed", "15:32:28 07-11-14"),

something like

$sql = "INSERT INTO survey (user_id, song, genre, emotion, time_date) VALUES ";
$atLeastoneInsert = false;
foreach ($songs as $song) {
    $atLeastoneInsert = true;
    $sql .= "($user_id, \"" . $song['song'] . "\", \"" . $song['genre'] . "\", \"" . $song['emotion'] . "\", \"" . $song['time_date'] . "\"),";
$sql = trim($sql,",");

if ($atLeastoneInsert){
    $audio_survey -> queryTable($sql);