


好的,我正在研究数字格式,发现您可以使用%d %i 格式化整数.例如:

OK I was looking into number formatting and I found that you could use %d or %i to format an integer. For example:

number = 8
print "your number is %i." % number

number = 8
print "your number is %d." % number


But what is the difference? I mean i found something but it was total jibberish. Anyone speak Mild-Code or English here?


Python copied the C formatting instructions.


For output, %i and %d are the exact same thing, both in Python and in C.

区别在于,当您使用它们通过scanf()函数在C中使用它们来解析 input 时,它们会做什么.请参见 printf中格式符%i和%d之间的差异.

The difference lies in what these do when you use them to parse input, in C by using the scanf() function. See Difference between format specifiers %i and %d in printf.


Python doesn't have a scanf equivalent, but the Python string formatting operations retained the two options to remain compatible with C.

新的str.format()format() 格式规范迷你语言放弃了对i的支持,并且只保留了d.

The new str.format() and format() format specification mini-language dropped support for i and stuck with d only.