使用Visual Studio 2010运行IIS Express 8 RC的64位版本

使用Visual Studio 2010运行IIS Express 8 RC的64位版本


我有一个Web应用程序,它使用64位版本的 SharpSvn ,该托管DLL具有非托管依赖性.它不会在IIS Express 7.0中运行.切换到32位版本的程序集可以正常工作.

I have a web app that uses the 64 bit version of SharpSvn, a managed DLL with an unmanaged dependency. It will not run in IIS Express 7.0. Switching to the 32 bit version of the assembly works fine.

我安装了 IIS 8 RC的64位版本一个>.但是,Visual Studio 2010会启动IIS Express的32位版本.

I installed the 64 bit version of IIS 8 RC. However Visual Studio 2010 launches the 32 bit version of IIS Express.



I can launch the 64 bit version of IIS manually with the following command:

"C:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe"  /config:"C:\Users\zippy\Documents\IISExpress\config\applicationhost.config"  /site:"MrDVCS" /apppool:"Clr4IntegratedAppPool"

在我的 WebProject.csproj 中,相关的XML似乎是<UseIISExpress>true</UseIISExpress>.如果我在Visual Studio中编辑文件,则Intellisense不会为64位提供类似的命名标签,也不会为我提供属性.

In my WebProject.csproj The relevant XML seems to be <UseIISExpress>true</UseIISExpress>. If I edit the file in Visual Studio, the Intellisense does not offer a similar named tag for 64 bit, and it does not offer me an attribute.

那么,如何使Visual Studio启动IIS Express RC的64位版本?

So how do I get Visual Studio to launch the 64 bit version of IIS Express RC?

我一直在尝试做同样的事情,但是似乎找不到如何在64位模式下启动IIS Express的方法. 我可以找到以64位模式进行调试的唯一方法如下:
按上面的步骤启动IIS Express(以64位模式).
在Visual Studio项目的属性"中,切换服务器以指定使用自定义Web服务器",然后放入URL.

I have been trying to do the same thing, but can't seem to find how to launch IIS Express in 64 bit mode.
The only way that I can find to debug in 64 bit mode is the following:
Start IIS Express as you have above (in 64 bit mode).
In your Visual Studio project Properties, switch the servers to specify "Use Custom Web Server", and put in a url.
Go to debug | Attach to process, and then select your running IISExpress instance.
Place a breakpoint, and debug in 64 bit mode.
Have fun,