


I have to add list as a category this is not working properly. I added PlaylistsCtrl.js, playlists.html file and my php json file below this question.


.controller('PlaylistsCtrl', function($scope,$http) {

var vm = this;

vm.playlists = {};

$http.get("http://localhost/youtubewebservice/shop-categorylist-product.php") .success(function(response) {

     vm.playlists = response.records;


<ion-view view-title="playlists">
  <ion-item ng-repeat="playlist in playlists" href="#/app/playlists/{{}}">


"category": [{
    "term_id": "10",
    "name": "Arden Grange",
    "slug": "arden-grange",
    "products": [{
        "ID": "47",
        "post_title": "Arden Grange, Premium",
        "post_date": "2015-10-20 16:13:04",
        "post_author": "5"
    }, {
        "ID": "50",
        "post_title": "Arden Grange Puppy\/Junior Large Breed",
        "post_date": "2015-10-21 04:56:23",
        "post_author": "5"
    }, {
        "ID": "53",
        "post_title": "Arden Grange Weaning\/Puppy",
        "post_date": "2015-10-22 12:52:35",
        "post_author": "5"
}, {
    "term_id": "12",
    "name": "Jewellery",
    "slug": "jewellery",
    "products": [{
        "ID": "59",
        "post_title": "Sterling silver Amethyst studs",
        "post_date": "2015-11-30 09:37:05",
        "post_author": "8"
    }, {
        "ID": "105",
        "post_title": "London Blue topaz 7 carat AAA quality",
        "post_date": "2015-12-01 05:09:32",
        "post_author": "8"
    }, {
        "ID": "134",
        "post_title": "7 Carat Natural Purple Amethyst AAA quality",
        "post_date": "2015-12-01 05:09:31",
        "post_author": "8"
    }, {
        "ID": "136",
        "post_title": "10 carat natural Smoky Quartz AAA quality",
        "post_date": "2015-12-01 05:09:31",
        "post_author": "8"

Since you're using controller-as-syntax, you, of course, must use the as syntax in your view, as below:

Change the code your controller to:

angular.module('app', [])
  .controller('PlaylistsCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
    var vm = this;

    vm.playlists = {};

    $http.get("http://localhost/youtubewebservice/shop-categorylist-product.php").then(function(response) {
      vm.playlists =;

And in your view:

<html ng-app="app">

  <!-- <script src=""></script> -->
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <script src=""></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
  <script src="script.js"></script>

<body ng-controller="PlaylistsCtrl as playCtrl">

    <ion-header-bar class="bar-stable">
      <h1 class="title">Awesome App</h1>
    <ion-content class="padding">
      <ion-item ng-repeat="playlist in playCtrl.playlists" href="#/app/playlists/{{}}">


Complete DEMO

I hope it helps!

here is working example

i guess your problem was

<ion-item ng-repeat="playlist in playlists" href="#/app/playlists/{{}}">

you use ng-repeat on playlists which is not an array. you should repeat playlists.category or make playlists to return an array enter image description here

in your controller push the name only into a seperate object and then try to use ng-repeat as i used below


.controller('PlaylistsCtrl', function($scope,$http) {

$scope.playlists = [];

$http.get("http://localhost/youtubewebservice/shop-categorylist-product.php") .success(function(response) {

     $scope.playlist = response.category;


inside your view

<ion-view view-title="playlists">
<ion-list ng-repeat="play in playlists">
  <ion-item >

Check this , it working


 <body ng-app="app" ng-controller="PlaylistsCtrl as plist">

      <ion-header-bar class="bar-stable">
        <h1 class="title">Awesome App</h1>
      <ion-content class="padding">
       <ion-item ng-repeat="playlist in plist.playlists" href="#/app/playlists/{{}}">


angular.module('app', ['ionic'])

.controller('PlaylistsCtrl', function($scope,$http) {

var vm = this;

vm.playlists = {};

var response = {
"category": [{
    "term_id": "10",
    "name": "Arden Grange",
    "slug": "arden-grange",
    "products": [{
        "ID": "47",
        "post_title": "Arden Grange, Premium",
        "post_date": "2015-10-20 16:13:04",
        "post_author": "5"
    }, {
        "ID": "50",
        "post_title": "Arden Grange Puppy\/Junior Large Breed",
        "post_date": "2015-10-21 04:56:23",
        "post_author": "5"
    }, {
        "ID": "53",
        "post_title": "Arden Grange Weaning\/Puppy",
        "post_date": "2015-10-22 12:52:35",
        "post_author": "5"
}, {
    "term_id": "12",
    "name": "Jewellery",
    "slug": "jewellery",
    "products": [{
        "ID": "59",
        "post_title": "Sterling silver Amethyst studs",
        "post_date": "2015-11-30 09:37:05",
        "post_author": "8"
    }, {
        "ID": "105",
        "post_title": "London Blue topaz 7 carat AAA quality",
        "post_date": "2015-12-01 05:09:32",
        "post_author": "8"
    }, {
        "ID": "134",
        "post_title": "7 Carat Natural Purple Amethyst AAA quality",
        "post_date": "2015-12-01 05:09:31",
        "post_author": "8"
    }, {
        "ID": "136",
        "post_title": "10 carat natural Smoky Quartz AAA quality",
        "post_date": "2015-12-01 05:09:31",
        "post_author": "8"
     vm.playlists = response.category; 
