


我正在编写一个应用程序,但是让我的Alarm BroadcastReceiver无法启动所需的意图时遇到了一些麻烦。代码如下:

I am writing an app and am having a bit of trouble with getting my Alarm BroadcastReceiver from starting a desired intent. The code is as follows:

 public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) 

     Log.d("Alarm:","Running WakeLock");

     PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
     PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "");
     WakeMe.wakelock = wl;

     Log.d("Alarm:","Running Intent (Service)");
     Intent i = new Intent(context, serviceCode.class);


 public void SetAlarm(Context context)
     AlarmManager am=(AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
     Intent i = new Intent(context, Alarm.class);

     PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getService(context, 1, i, 0);
     am.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis(), 60000, pi); // Millisec * Second * Minute
     Log.d("Alarm:", "Alarm set to run every 1 minute/s");


When SetAlarm() is called the code runs the onReceive() and runs through serviceCode class, it also sets the alarm up and runs the alarm every 1 minute. The problem i am finding is that when the alarm fires and runs the wakelock it is not starting serviceCode and running through. Instead it just ignores the new intent.


Note: The wakelock is released at the end of serviceCode.

使用 RTC_WAKEUP 和服务 PendingIntent 是不可靠的。而且,它与您的 onReceive()方法无关。如果想让 BroadcastReceiver 来控制发生警报事件的时间,则需要使用广播 PendingIntent

Using RTC_WAKEUP with a service PendingIntent, as you are doing here, is unreliable. Moreover, it would have nothing to do with your onReceive() method. You need to use a broadcast PendingIntent if you want a BroadcastReceiver to get control when the alarm event occurs.

如果要使用 _WAKEUP 警报,强烈建议您使用 WakefulBroadcastReceiver 我的 WakefulIntentService ,而不是手动滚动自己的 WakeLock 逻辑。

If you want to use a _WAKEUP alarm, I strongly suggest that you use WakefulBroadcastReceiver or my WakefulIntentService, rather than hand-rolling your own WakeLock logic.