



I have a directory that looks like this:

-- app/
   |- models/
      |- user.js
   |- config.json

我想要我的 user.js 文件需要 config.json 。目前,我正在使用 require(’/ config'),但这无法正常工作。我究竟做错了什么?我想避免使用 require('../ config')

I want my user.js file to require config.json. Right now I'm using require('/config') but this is not working. What am I doing wrong? I'd like to avoid using require('../config').


The simple answer is that you aren't doing anything wrong. Per a little research, the require function looks for one of:

  • 诸如fs

  • 您在require调用中指定的相对文件路径
  • 目录在名为require函数的文件的父目录中的某个位置的node_modules文件夹中搜索适当命名的模块。

请参见: http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2169-Where-Does-Node-js-And-Require-Look- For-Modules-.htm
并且: http://nodejs.org /api/modules.html#loading_from_node_modules_Folders


Both resources above reference the ability to also modify a NODE_PATH environment variable, however this sounds like very bad practice and at a minimum would make your code way less portable. It also probably wouldn't even work for a file like config.json since, though I'd never done it, I'd imagine changing the NODE_PATH variable only changes where require() looks for package.json files corresponding to real modules.

摘要,请参见: Piotr Kowalczuk在上文中引用。对于该帖子,您有两个实际选择:

In summary, see: How to make the require in node.js to be always relative to the root folder of the project? as referenced above by Piotr Kowalczuk. Per that post, you have two real options:

  1. 使用相对文件路径。

  2. 打包


Finally, just bear in mind that what you are trying to do goes against the grain of the program that you are using. I think this is one case where you will ultimately make your life easier (and your collaborators'!) by going with the grain of Node and using relative file paths as the design intends.