Laravel中的SQL Server如何格式化日期时间?

Laravel中的SQL Server如何格式化日期时间?


im尝试格式化laravel中的日期时间值以使其与sql server格式匹配,我收到此错误:

im trying to format datetime values in laravel to make them match with sql server format, im getting this error:

找不到分隔符号.找到意外的数据. 找到意外的数据.追踪数据

The separation symbol could not be found Unexpected data found. Unexpected data found. Trailing data


Im using a custom format in my model:

protected $dateFormat = 'd-m-Y H:i:s';


It works good for the create method con controllers, there is no problem, the error happen when try to update and I think is related to how the value is stored in the database.


Using tinker I retrieve the value of updated_at in my model and is shown in the next format:

updated_at: "2018-07-24 09:14:09.000"


So when Im updating this value the format used is:

protected $dateFormat = 'd-m-Y H:i:s';

我认为应该是d-m-Y H:i:s.000之类的东西,但是不起作用,我该如何解决呢?

I think it should be something like d-m-Y H:i:s.000 but doesnt work, how can I solve this?


I had exactly the same issue, when switching to laravel version 5.6. Now I found the correct way to handle this.

像这样创建一个Base类,并添加一个public方法getDateFormat. 在那里,您返回的日期略有不同

Create a Base class like this and add a public method getDateFormat. There you return the date a little bit different

return 'Y-d-m H:i:s.v';


See that date (d) and month (m) are switched and at the end you need to put a .v which stands for milliseconds. This worked for me fine. See here my complete Base class:


namespace App\Models\Base;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class BaseModel extends Model
    public function getDateFormat()
        return 'Y-d-m H:i:s.v';

    public $timestamps  = false;