


How do I arrange a foreach loop in ascending order with Laravel? Here's my current code:

                    <h2 class="title">Top Performing Schools</h2>
                    @foreach($sch as $sch)
                    <div class="sch">
                        <div class="sch-content">
                            <a href="{{$sch->url}}">
                                <img style="width:60px;vertical-align: middle;" src="{{asset('images/'.$sch->logo)}}">

My guess is that $result = $result->orderBy('ranking_philippines', 'asc'); has to be put somewhere. ranking_philippines is the database field that contains the ranking data that I want the items to be sorted by.

如何使用Laravel按升序排列foreach循环? 这是我当前的代码: p> \ n

 &lt; h2 class =“title”&gt;表现最好的学校&lt; / h2&gt; 
 @foreach($ sch as $ sch)
&lt; div class =“sch”&gt; \  n&lt; div class =“sch-content”&gt; 
&lt; a href =“{{$ sch-&gt; url}}”&gt; 
&lt; img style =“width:60px; vertical-align: 中间;”  src =“{{asset('images /'.$ sch-&gt; logo)}}”&gt; 
 {{$ sch-&gt; name}} 
&lt; / a&gt; 
&lt; / div&gt;  
&lt; / div&gt; 
  code>  pre> 

我的猜测是 $ result = $ result-&gt; orderBy('ranking_philippines',' asc'); code>必须放在某个地方。 ranking_philippines code>是数据库字段,其中包含我希望对项目进行排序的排名数据。 p> div>

Ok Phil, we have to do some wild guessing here. Let's presume your table is called schools and the model School.

The controller, let's call it SchoolController should look like this:

public function getRanking() {
  $scores = School::orderBy('ranking_philippines', 'asc')->get();
  return view('schools.ranking', compact('scores'));

Then in resources/views/schools/ranking.blade.php you have to get something like this:

             <h2 class="title">Top Performing Schools</h2>
                @foreach($scores as $score)
                <div class="sch">
                    <div class="sch-content">
                        <a href="{{$score->url}}">
                            <img style="width:60px;vertical-align: middle;" src="{{asset('/images/'.$score->logo)}}">

I hope that gives you some help. You have to help us too Phil by being more specific. No offense. I understand. Good luck with your project!