带有提交按钮的复选框表单不会回显数据库php html sql中的值

带有提交按钮的复选框表单不会回显数据库php html sql中的值


I'm new to php, html, and mysql. I have a database with a username, product, and price they want to sell the product for. The code is for a checkbox form with a submit button that works like a price filter, that when submitted it's supposed to echo the username, product, and price that matches the corresponding checkbox. . If a user selects a checkbox labeled, "0-25" OR "100 & above", and clicks the submit button it supposed to echo all users that have items in that specific price range. I've looked online an tried to manipulate somewhat close to what I have. Could someone please help me out or give me insight on how to do this? Any help is appreciated

Here is my checkbox form.

<form action="pricefilter.php" method="post">
    <br><b>Filter By Price:</b><br><br> 
    <input type="checkbox" name="$0-$25[]" id="Price" value="0-25"/>&nbsp;$0-$25<br><br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="$25-$50[]" id="Price" value="25-50"/>&nbsp;$25-$50<br><br>
    <input type="checkbox" name="$50-$100[]" id="Price" value="50-100"/>&nbsp;$50-$100<br><br>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />

Here is the code to my php file.

mysql_connect ("localhost", "root","root")  or die (mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("xuswapuser");

$priceFilter = $_GET['priceFilter'];

 $filteredResponse = array ();
foreach($priceFilter as $range)
if($range == 025)
        $query = "select * from Books where Price <= 25";
        $sql = mysql_query($query);

        array_push($filteredResponse, $sql);


    if($range == 2550)
        $query = "select * from Books where Price >= 25 AND Price <=50";
        $sql = mysql_query($query);

        array_push($filteredResponse, $sql);
     if($range == 5075)
        $query = "select * from Books where Price >= 50 AND Price <=75";
        $sql = mysql_query($query);

        array_push($filteredResponse, $sql);

     if($range == 75100)
        $query = "select * from Books where Price >= 75 AND Price <=100";
        $sql = mysql_query($query);

        array_push($filteredResponse, $sql);
     if($range == 100)
        $query = "select * from Books where Price >= 100";
        $sql = mysql_query($query);

        array_push($filteredResponse, $sql);



<script type="text/javascript" src="sorttable.js"></script>
<body style="margin: 0; padding: 0;">
       <div id="header" style="background-color:#339900;height:157px;width:100%;position:relative;">                                      <!--header area-->
            <form id="headerForm" name="headerForm" method="Post" action="" align="right">
                  <input type="image" src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSN3XIAe50cjq5Cf91GbAywPkChmI5HOAqYxgmRN8F5OhW7I_RT5Q" alt="Placeholder" align="left" width="150" height="150">
                  <input type="text" name="searchInput"id="search" style="width:500px;"/>
                  <input type="submit" name="searchButton" id="searchButton" value="Search" />
                  <input type="submit" name="logoutButton" id="logoutButton" value="Logout"/>

       <div id="background" style="background-color:#FFD700;height:100%; width:100%;"> 
 <div id = "pageContent"></div>
 <div id="background" style="background-color:#FFD700;height:100%; width:100%;"> 
                <p>Books </p>

                                <table class="sortable" width="940" height="52" border="0">
                                  <td width="200" id="sortable">Username</td>
                                  <td width="253"> Product</td>
                                  <td width="220">Condition</td>
                                  <td width="249">Price</td>
                                <?php do { ?>
                                    <td><?php echo $range['id']; ?></td>
                                    <td><?php echo $range['Product']; ?></td>
                                    <td><?php echo $range['Condition']; ?></td>
                                    <td><?php echo $range['Price']; ?></td>
                                  <?php } while ($range = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)); ?>

this is just simple code for you to follow, you can loop through all possibilities by putting the checked values into an array and performing the query through a foreach()

<input type="checkbox" name="priceFilter[]" value="025">
<input type="checkbox" name="priceFilter[]" value="2550">
// etc.

  $priceFilter = $_POST['pricFilter']; // this is now an array

      $query25 = "select * from Books where Price <= 25";
      $query2550 = "select * from Books where Price >= 25 AND Price <= 50";

  // then run your query if it is set

      $sql = mysql_query($query25);

  // then do w/e you need to do then run subsequent possibily

this is time consuming but i am just trying to get the point across to you on how to handle checkboxes in php

UPDATE if you want to do it with a foreach:

$priceFilter = $_GET['priceFilter'];
$filteredResponse = array ();
foreach($priceFilter as $range)
if($range == 025)
        $query = "select * from Books where Price <= 25";
        $sql = mysql_query($query);

        array_push($filteredResponse, $sql);

    if($range == 2550)
        $query = "select * from Books where Price >= 25 AND Price <=50";
        $sql = mysql_query($query);

        array_push($filteredResponse, $sql);

    // do this for all the conditions and you can save the results in an array of arrays

You now have an array of your MYSQL responses based on the selections from your checkbox form. Then just parse the information however you see fit.

i ALSO SUGGEST - before moving forward to use PDO instead of mysql_ as it is legacy code

take a gander at this for PDO use

Ouch. :)

  1. What does IsChecked() function do? Is it defined, or you wanted isset() ?
  2. Don't name your fields with the $ dollar sign.
  3. Don't make them arrays, if they are not, you are using the group once, so it shouldn't have [] after it
  4. To access posted name field, you need $_POST superglobal, you cannot access it directly by its name:


 <input name="asd">

would be accessed if posted in PHP like:


and the check if it's posted would be:

if(isset($_POST['asd']) { ...

By the convetion of using $row[] array, I assume you want to print a query results. In order to print results, you need to fetch them and iterate through them. In your way it would be:

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) { ...

However mysql_* functions are deprecated, and before you get used to them, better switch to mysqli_* or PDO libraries.