PHP Regex使用','除了','内引号和双引号来爆炸字符串

PHP Regex使用','除了','内引号和双引号来爆炸字符串


How to do explode except using ',' but not inside quote and double quote?

This is the string i want to explode:

`ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_hours` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_timelog_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_filing_date` datetime NOT NULL,`ot_approveby_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`final_approved` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `ot_token` varchar(100) DEFAULT 'Your, name, here' NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL

I want the output to become

`ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL `ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`ot_hours` int(11) NOT NULL ,
`ot_timelog_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`ot_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`ot_filing_date` datetime NOT NULL,
`ot_approveby_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`final_approved` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,
`ot_token` varchar(100) DEFAULT 'Your, name, here' NOT NULL,
`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,
`endTime` datetime NOT NULL

here is my code:

$array = explode(",",$str);// change to Regex
foreach($array as $m){
    echo "<br>$m";

Use this regex:


It covers ' " and ` as quote

Regex demo

Sample Source ( run here )

$re = '/(?<=,)(?=(?:(?:[^`\'"]*[`\'"]){2})*[^`\'"]*$)/m';

$str = '`ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL `ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_hours` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_timelog_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_filing_date` datetime NOT NULL,`ot_approveby_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`final_approved` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\' ,
`ot_token` varchar(100) DEFAULT \'Your, name, here\' NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL';

$keywords = preg_split($re,$str);

It will output:

Array ( [0] => `ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL `ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL, [1] => `ot_hours` int(11) NOT NULL, [2] => `ot_timelog_id` int(11) NOT NULL, [3] => `ot_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, [4] => `ot_filing_date` datetime NOT NULL, [5] => `ot_approveby_id` int(11) NOT NULL, [6] => `final_approved` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , [7] => `ot_token` varchar(100) DEFAULT 'Your, name, here' NOT NULL, [8] => `startTime` datetime NOT NULL, [9] => `endTime` datetime NOT NULL )

I think you're safe assuming ",`" as the delimiter, without too much hassle:

$array = explode(",`",$str);
foreach($array as $m)
    echo "<br>`$m";

Note I added one ` in the echo now.

It's a matter of identifying the correct pattern-matching logic to achieve the desired result.

Using REGEX (explode() does not use REGEX - it splits on a string token), we can target only those commas which are proceeded by `.

$array = preg_split('/,(?= ?`)/', $str);

Note we also allow for an optional space between , and `.

A bit different from your question about "between quotes": it seems de comma to break on, is always before a backtic (or white space followed by backtic)

$s = "`ot_request_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_hours` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_timelog_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`ot_filing_date` datetime NOT NULL,`ot_approveby_id` int(11) NOT NULL,`final_approved` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' , `ot_token` varchar(100) DEFAULT 'Your, name, here' NOT NULL,`startTime` datetime NOT NULL,`endTime` datetime NOT NULL";

$b = preg_replace('#,\s*`#', '[BR]`', $s);

$answer = explode('[BR]', $b);

would be easier when the whitespace would not be there (at ot_token)

note: preg_split() would avoid the extra step inserting a [BR] only to explode on it the next line: better use preg_split as already answered

Although answered and accepted (because I worked on it for some time) I'll submit my answer, since it handles some things the accepted answer doesn't.



to explode your string should do it. It fi

It Matches the position after a comma, that isn't followed by a linefeed (the negative look-ahead (?!\R)), and is followed by

  1. a sequence of zero or more characters that doesn't contain a quote


  2. a quote character that is captured


  3. either an escaped character


    or a character that doesn't match the captured quote, tested with a negative look-ahead.


    1 to 3 are in a non capturing group that can repeat any number of times (including zero).

  4. finally it's ended by a sequence of zero or more characters that doesn't contain a quote. $ (matches end of line) to make sure the whole string is matched.


See it here at regex101.

Note that this solution assumes opening/closing quotes are balanced in the string (unless in a quoted string).

The things handled that aren't in the accepted answer is

  1. single quoted strings inside a double quoted string, and vice versa.

    e.g. "It's a solution"

  2. escaped characters in a string

    e.g. 'It\'s a solution'

This may be completely unnecessary, but it was in my mindset when I started fiddling with this, so :)