如何在构建时在VS Code中运行多个任务?

如何在构建时在VS Code中运行多个任务?


使用tasks.json版本2.0.0,我无法做到这一点,因此,在构建应用程序时,会同时运行多个任务.我正在使用gulp进行SCSS编译,并且可以单独运行Compile/minify cms.scss任务,因此任务本身不是问题,而仅是VS Code的任务运行程序.当我在VS Code中Run Build Task时,即使具有"group": "build",我的gulp任务也不会运行-只有dotnet一个.

Using tasks.json version 2.0.0, I have not been able to make it so that, when I build my application, multiple tasks are run at the same time. I'm using gulp for my SCSS compilation, and running my Compile/minify cms.scss task on its own works fine, so it's not a problem with the task itself, just VS Code's task runner. When I Run Build Task in VS Code, my gulp task is not being run, even though it has "group": "build" — only the dotnet one is.

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "build",
            "command": "dotnet",
            "type": "process",
            "args": [
            "problemMatcher": "$msCompile",
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true
            "label": "Compile/minify cms.scss",
            "type": "gulp",
            "task": "cms.scss:cms.min.css",
            "problemMatcher": "$node-sass",
            "group": "build"

根据 VS代码任务文档:


group: Defines to which group the task belongs. In the example, it belongs to the test group. Tasks that belong to the test group can be executed by running Run Test Task from the Command Palette.

dotnet build任务正在成功执行,因此不应该同时运行另一个任务,该任务也是build组的一部分?我在做什么错了?

The dotnet build task is succeeding, so shouldn't the other task, which is also part of the build group, be run as well? What am I doing wrong?


The problem is that "Run Test Task" and "Run Build Task" do not execute all tasks in that specific group. Usually you get a drop down selection so you can choose which task to execute. Since you have specified one of the tasks as default, the selection will be skipped and instead the default task is executed.


You can work around that by adding dependencies. Take the following example:

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Echo 1",
            "command": "echo",
            "type": "shell",
            "args": [ "echo1" ],
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true
            "dependsOn":["Echo 2"]
            "label": "Echo 2",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "echo",
            "args": [ "echo2" ],
            "group": "build"

由于Echo 1依赖于Echo 2,因此在执行Echo 1之前将先执行Echo 2.请注意,该定义是一个列表,因此可以指定多个任务.在这种情况下,任务将并行执行.

As Echo 1 depends on Echo 2, Echo 2 will be executed prior to executing Echo 1. Note that the definition is a list, so more than one task can be specified. In that case the tasks are executed in parallel.

在您的情况下,将"dependsOn":["Compile/minify cms.scss"]添加到您的主要构建任务中应执行这两个任务.

In your case adding "dependsOn":["Compile/minify cms.scss"] to your main build task should execute both tasks.