


I have strange issue. When I am running file Database/connectDatabase.php:

$db = new PDO('sqlite:database.db') or die("fail to connect db");
$qry = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE name=? AND pass=?");
$qry->execute(array("a", "a")) or die;

it's working. But if I use it in file LoginSystem/registration.php:

define('__ROOT__', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));

it's thrownig: "Fatal error: Call to a member function execute() on boolean in .../Database/connectDatabase.php on line 4"

我有一个奇怪的问题。 当我运行文件Database / connectDatabase.php时: p>

 $ db = new PDO('sqlite:database.db')或die(“fail” 连接db“); 
 $ qry = $ db-&gt; prepare(”SELECT * FROM user WHERE name =?AND pass =?“); 
 $ qry-&gt; execute(array(”a“,” 一个“))或死; 
  code>  pre> 

它正在工作。 但是如果我在文件LoginSystem / registration.php中使用它: p> define('__ ROOT__',dirname(dirname(__ FILE __))); require_once(__ ROOT __。'/ Database / connectDatabase.php'); code> pre> 它是thrownig:“致命错误:在第4行的... / Database / connectDatabase.php中的布尔值上调用成员函数execute()” p> div>

I managed to find out solution. I was using local path to database ('sqlite:database.db'). PHP probably is pasting code from require - when file with require is in other catalogue code is not working.