PHP - 无法将对象添加到数组中

PHP  - 无法将对象添加到数组中


I've created a simple class:

class Event {

   var $a;
   var $b;
   var $c;

   function __construct($a, $b, $c) 
      $this->a= $a;
      $this->b = $b;
      $this->c= $c;


Then I've created another class which extends Thread:

class WorkerThread extends Thread
    private $myUrl;
    private $eventsArr;
    private $counterDebug;
    private $postdata;

    public function __construct($myUrl, $postdata)
        $this->myUrl = $myUrl;
        $this->postdata = $postdata;
        $this->eventsArr = array();

    public function run()

          foreach ($json as $key => $value) {

                    /* Death event */
                    $event= new Event($a, $b, $c);
                    array_push($this->eventsArr, $event);


          echo (count($this->eventsArr));
          echo (json_encode($event));
          echo ("
" . $this->counterDebug);

    if($flag && count($this->events)>0){

When trying to add new created objects into the array, it stays empty.

What I've figured from debugging:

1) The objects are created.

2) neither eventsArr[]= $event, nor array_push are working.

3) I've set a counter that verifies the objects are being created and should be added to the array.

What am I doing wrong?


I've removed irrelevant parts of code in order to simplify things.

i think you should create temp array which have all your events and then give it to $eventsArr like this.

$temp = array();
foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    /* Death event */
    $event= new Event($a, $b, $c);
    $temp[] = $event;
$this->eventsArr = $temp;


foreach ($json as $key => $value) {
    /* Death event */
    $event= new Event($a, $b, $c);
    $this->eventsArr[] = $event;