
I'm working on a website connected to a database managed by MySQL. These are the structures of tables pagamenti and prenotazione:





In my PHP code I want to delete a record from both tables using the field IDPrenotazione. I could use two different queries, as in the following code

$query1 = "DELETE FROM pagamenti WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID'";
$query2 = "DELETE FROM prenotazione WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID'";

but it would be much better if I use only one query. I've learned that in SQL language queries are separated by ;, so I tried this code

$query = "DELETE FROM pagamenti WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID';
          DELETE FROM prenotazione WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID'";

but it returns this error

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'DELETE FROM prenotazione WHERE IDPrenotazione='2017-0006'' at line 1

This is the complete code, with the execution

$query = "DELETE FROM pagamenti WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID';
          DELETE FROM prenotazione WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID'";
if (mysqli_query($connessione, $query))
    echo mysqli_error($connessione);

If I execute this code on phpMyAdmin it works as I want with no errors, so the query must be correct.

Why doesn't it work via PHP? How can I make it work?

Use mysqli_multi_query()

The mysqli_multi_query() function performs one or more queries against the database. The queries are separated with a semicolon.

$query = "DELETE FROM pagamenti WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID';DELETE FROM prenotazione WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID'";

mysqli_multi_query($connessione, $query);

You can delete data from two tables by one query but there must be an relation between two table.

Try like this :

 "DELETE `pagamenti`,`prenotazione ` from `pagamenti` LEFT JOIN `prenotazione ` on
 `pagamenti`.`id` = `prenotazione `.`pagementi_id` where `pagamenti`.`IDPrenotazione` = '". $ID."' 
  and `prenotazione`.`IDPrenotazione` = '" . $ID."'";

Here = prenotazione.pagementi_id is the relation you need to put here.

Its working for me.

try this

$query = "DELETE FROM pagamenti WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID';DELETE FROM prenotazione WHERE IDPrenotazione='$ID'";

mysqli_multi_query($connessione, $query);