什么标头在C ++中定义NULL?

什么标头在C ++中定义NULL?


根据 C ++入门< cstdlib> 标头定义 NULL cpluspplus 说,它是在< cstddef>中定义的。

According to C++ primer, <cstdlib> header defines NULL. cpluspplus says it is defined in <cstddef>.

最终,如果不包含正确的标题,我认为 NULL 可以不会被引用。

Ultimately, if the right header is not included, I thought NULL can't be referenced.

不过,仅包含<之后,我可以看到它,但是可以被引用并生成程序,并且可以在没有警告或错误的情况下进行编译和运行。 iostream>


C ++ 03第18.1.2节说NULL在cstddef中定义。

C++03 section 18.1.2 says that NULL is defined in cstddef.


On some implementations, iostream may include cstddef, so including iostream would also give you NULL.