为 C 结构编写 init 函数

为 C 结构编写 init 函数



So this is my struct in a header file:

struct _Variable {
    char *variableName;
    char *arrayOfElements;
    int32_t address;
typedef struct _Variable Variable;

这是我在 .c 文件中实现的 init 函数:

and here is my implementation of the init function in .c file:

void initVariable(Variable *variable, char *variableName, char *arrayOfElements,
        int32_t address) {
    int lengthOfVariableNameWithTerminatingChar = strlen(variableName) + 1;
    variable->variableName = malloc(
            sizeof(char) * lengthOfVariableNameWithTerminatingChar);
    strncpy(variable->variableName, variableName,

    int lengthOfArrayOfElementsWithTerminatingChar = strlen(arrayOfElements)
            + 1;
    variable->arrayOfElements = malloc(
            sizeof(char) * lengthOfArrayOfElementsWithTerminatingChar);
    strncpy(variable->arrayOfElements, arrayOfElements,

    variable->address = address;


I get no errors when I compile but when I run my test file:

void test_initVariable() {
    // TODO:
    Variable *variable1;
    initVariable(variable1, "variable1", "1, 2, 3", 4); // <== Causes binary .exe file to not work


Can anyone tell me how to fix my implementation?

Variable *variable1;


gives you an uninitialised pointer. You don't own the memory it points to so can't safely write to it.

您需要为 variable1

Variable variable1;
initVariable(&variable1, "variable1", "1, 2, 3", 4);


如果你希望 variable1 被动态分配,最简单的方法是让 initVariable 处理这个

If you want variable1 to be dynamically allocated, it'd be easiest to have initVariable handle this

Variable* initVariable(char *variableName, char *arrayOfElements, int32_t address)
    Variable* var = malloc(sizeof(*var));
    if (var != NULL) {
        var->variableName = strdup(variableName);
        var->arrayOfElements = strdup(arrayOfElements);
        var->address = address;
    return var;

请注意,我还在这里简化了字符串的分配/填充.您的代码有效,但如果您使用的是与 posix 兼容的系统,strdup 非常有用实现相同结果的更简单方法.

Note that I've also simplified allocation/population of strings here. Your code works but if you're using a posix-compatible system, strdup is a much simpler way to achieve the same results.

正如评论中所讨论的,如果 Variable 的字符串成员都是 字符串文字.在这种情况下,您可以将事情简化为

As discussed in comments, you don't need to allocate storage if the string members of Variable will all be string literals. In this case, you could simplify things to

Variable* initVariable(char *variableName, char *arrayOfElements, int32_t address)
    Variable* var = malloc(sizeof(*var));
    if (var != NULL) {
        var->variableName = variableName;
        var->arrayOfElements = arrayOfElements;
        var->address = address;
    return var;