如何在全球范围内访问当前的Htt prequestMessage对象吗?

如何在全球范围内访问当前的Htt prequestMessage对象吗?


我有它创建了一个方法的Htt的$ P $含有将根据当前请求的媒体类型格式返回一个错误的对象psponseMessage。

I have a method which creates an HttpResponseMessage containing an Error object which will be returned based on the current request media type formatter.


Currently, I have hardcoded the XmlMediaTypeFormatter but I'd like to be able to find the current request MediaTypeFormatter at runtime but I don't have access to the current request object since my below code exists on a separate class library.

private HttpResponseMessage Create(HttpStatusCode statusCode, string errorCode, string errorMessage)
    var result = new HttpResponseMessage(statusCode)
            Content = new ObjectContent<Error>(new Error()
                Code = errorCode,
                Message = errorMessage
            }, new XmlMediaTypeFormatter())
    return result;

如何访问当前的Htt prequestMessage全球反对呢?像HttpContext.Current.Request

How to access the current HttpRequestMessage object globally? something like HttpContext.Current.Request


If impossible, how to implement the above method so that it knows which formatter it should be using for the current request?

这不是不可能的,因为我最近刚刚发现。它的实际加入到当前HttpContext的相关文件属性(如果有的话)= [

It's not impossible as I have just recently found out. It's actually added into the Items property of the current HttpContext (if there is one) =[

HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = HttpContext.Current.Items["MS_HttpRequestMessage"] as HttpRequestMessage


这是为的WebAPI V2的。我不能肯定previous版本。

This is as of WebAPI v2 .. I cannot be sure of previous versions.