在获取数据库中的值后,在codeigniter 3中获取未定义的索引返回日期?

在获取数据库中的值后,在codeigniter 3中获取未定义的索引返回日期?


I am fetching values from database and the values are successfully shown when i use print_r but i get an error when i try to echo the values out it gives me an error of Message:

Undefined index: return_date

my code for controller is as follows

public function latebooks(){
    $now = date('m/d/Y');
    foreach($table as $q){}
    $table = $q->department_name;
    $table = strtolower($table);

and my code for my model is as follows:

public function timecalculations($table){
    $query= $this->db->get_where('issue_books',array('department_id'=>$table));
    return $query->result_array();

and the code in the view is as follows


 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: workspace
 * Date: 05-10-2016
 * Time: 13:46
include 'header.php';
<br /><br />
echo $query['return_date'];
include 'footer.php';

please forgive as i am novice here!Thanks in advance

You are using result() function in your MODEL for getting records, this will return data into object form not in array.


echo $query['return_date'];

Should be:

echo $query->return_date;

After your modification in your question, you must need to check what are you getting in print_r($run).

If you have data in multi-dimensional array than you can use loop here, this will print all data either having one record or multiple.

foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
    echo $value->return_date;

If you want to use result_array() function than you can use like:

foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
    echo $value['return_date'];

This post will help you to understand both functions: codeigniter, result() vs. result_array()

Change this return $query->result(); in your model as follows

return $query->result_array();

** return $query->result(); this returns as object. If want to use this then access data like echo $query->return_date;

$query->result() returns an array of objects, because it doesn't know whether there's supposed to be 1 result or 100,000 results. To just fetch a single result, you'd use $query->row() instead.

But that would still give you the result as an object instead of an array, so if you want to use $query['return_date'] in your view, you'd use $query->row_array() to get the row as an array.

In your controller make these following changes.


In your view page

echo $data[0]['return_date'];