


I'm probably just overlooking the obvious but I'd like to blame it on the fact that I'm new to PHP.

I have some number of arrays being returned with similar information but differing amounts of it.

I'll put some example arrays below:

(t1-s1-1=1, t1-s1-2=1, t1-s2-1=1, t1-s2-2=1)

(t2-s1-1=1, t2-s2-1=2, t2-s2-2=1)

(t3-s1-1=1, t3-s2-1=1, t3-s3-1=1, t3-s3-2=3)

So I would like to make a table out of this information. Something like this:

test ..  s1-1 ..  s1-2 ..  s2-1 ..  s2-2 ..  s3-1 ..  s3-2
t1  ........1 .....1  ..........1 ....... 1.........1..........1
t2  ........1 .......X..........1..........1........1..........1
t3  ........1 .......X..........1..........X........1..........1

( where x is something that wasn't there. )

So every array has an s1 but could have s1-1, s1-2, s1-3 or simply s1-1. That creates very different sized arrays.

The problem is that each array can have wildly different information and because they are Indexed arrays instead of Associative arrays I'm not sure how to best equalize them. I can't consistently say index 3 is s1-3 or something else.

I can't just loop through manually because I never know where a gap will appear. I can't look for specific indexes because the arrays aren't associative so the titles are built into the value and I don't know how to access them separately.

Any good ideas out there that maybe a newbie is overlooking? I'm open to non-tabular display ideas as well as long as I can easily sort and display the information.


我可能只是忽略了显而易见的事情,但我想责怪我是新人 到了PHP。 p>

我有一些数组返回的信息类似,但数量不同。 p>

我将在下面放一些示例数组 : p>

 (t1-s1-1 = 1,t1-s1-2 = 1,t1-s2-1 = 1,t1-s2-2 = 1)
(t2-s1-1 = 1,t2-s2-1 = 2,t2-s2-2 = 1)
(t3-s1-1 = 1,t3-s2-1 = 1,t3-  s3-1 = 1,t3-s3-2 = 3)
  code>  pre> 

所以我想根据这些信息制作一个表格。 这样的事情: p>

  test .. s1-1 .. s1-2 .. s2-1 .. s2-2 .. s3-1 .. s3-2 \  nt1 ........ 1 ..... 1 .......... 1 ....... 1 ......... 1 .....  ..... 1 
t2 ........ 1 ....... X .......... 1 .......... 1 ...  ..... 1 .......... 1 
t3 ........ 1 ....... X .......... 1 ...  ....... X ........ 1 .......... 1 
  code>  pre> 

(其中 x是不存在的东西。) em> p>

所以每个数组都有一个 s1 code>但是可以有 s1-1 code >, s1-2 code>, s1-3 code>或只是 s1-1 code>。 这会产生非常不同大小的数组。 p>

问题是每个数组都可能有非常不同的信息,因为它们是索引数组而不是关联数组,我不知道如何最好地均衡它们。 我不能一直说索引3是 s1-3 code>或其他东西。 p>

我不能手动循环,因为我永远不知道差距在哪里 出现。 我无法查找特定的索引,因为数组不是关联的,因此标题内置于值中,我不知道如何单独访问它们。 p>

那里有任何可能是新手可以忽视的好主意吗? 我对非表格显示的想法持开放态度,只要我能够轻松地对信息进行排序和显示。 p>

谢谢 p> div>

I'm assuming your original arrays contain values as string, so for instance, in PHP syntax, they look like:

['t1-s1-1=1', 't1-s1-2=1', 't1-s2-1=1', 't1-s2-2=1']

Basically, you should create a bi-dimensional array:

  • go through all arrays and by using a regex extract the different parts, that is, for the first element in the array above: t1 (the index for the first level in the bi-dimensional array), s1-1 (the index for the second level in the bi-dimensional array) and the value 1
  • insert the value in the bi-dimensional array
  • keep in a separate array, let's call it allColumns every second index above (sx-y), even you will have duplicate values you can, at the end, delete those duplicate and order it alphabetically

After that, you will have all the value in the bi-dimensional array but you still miss the gaps, so what you can do it iterate over the bi-dimensional array, and for every dimension tz (t1, t2,...), go through for all the values stored in allColumns and if you don't find the entry for that sx-y in the bi-dimensional array for that tz, add it with value x (or probably with value = 0)

I think an example can clarify the above:

// arrays of arrays, I don't know how you receive the data
$arrays = [
    ['t1-s1-1=1', 't1-s1-2=1', 't1-s2-1=1', 't1-s2-2=1'],
    ['t2-s1-1=1', 't2-s2-1=2', 't2-s2-2=1'],
    ['t3-s1-1=1', 't3-s2-1=1', 't3-s3-1=1', 't3-s3-2=3']

// bi-dimensional array
$output = [];

// it will store all columns you find in the $arrays entry
$allColumns = [];

// iterate for every array you receive, i.e. ['t1-s1-1=1', 't1-s1-2=1', 't1-s2-1=1', 't1-s2-2=1']
foreach ($arrays as $array) {
    // iterate over every element in the array: 't1-s1-1=1', 't1-s1-2=1', 't1-s2-1=1' and 't1-s2-2=1'
    foreach ($array as $item) {
        // extract the parts on every element: $matches is an array containing the different parts
        preg_match('/^(t\d+)-(s\d+-\d+)=(\d+)/', $item, $matches);
     * $matches[0] would contains the element if matched: 't1-s1-1=1'
     * $matches[1] would contains 't1' if matched
     * $matches[2] would contains 's1-1' if matched
     * $matches[2] would contains 1 (integer) if matched
        if (!empty($matches)) {
            $output[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $matches[3];
            $allColumns[] = $matches[2];

// clean duplicates
$allColumns = array_unique($allColumns);

// sort values alphabetically

// iterate over the just created bi-dimensional array
foreach ($output as $row => $columns) {
    // iterate for all columns collected before
    foreach ($allColumns as $column) {
        // if one of column in 'allColumns' doesn't exit in $output you added in the correct place adding a zero value
        if (!in_array($column, array_keys($columns))) {
            $output[$row][$column] = 0;

To print the output you should only iterate over $ouput

This will be the array internally:

 [t1] => Array
        [s1-1] => 1
        [s1-2] => 1
        [s2-1] => 1
        [s2-2] => 1
        [s3-1] => 0
        [s3-2] => 0

[t2] => Array
        [s1-1] => 1
        [s2-1] => 2
        [s2-2] => 1
        [s1-2] => 0
        [s3-1] => 0
        [s3-2] => 0

[t3] => Array
        [s1-1] => 1
        [s2-1] => 1
        [s3-1] => 1
        [s3-2] => 3
        [s1-2] => 0
        [s2-2] => 0


It exists other ways to implement the above, like skip the step where you fill the gaps and do it on the fly, ...

Updated The simplest way to display the results in a HTML page is by embedding a php script to iterate over the associative array and compose the HTML table (I encourage you to study and research MVC to separate logic from the view)

<!DOCTYPE html>
// arrays of arrays, I don't know how you receive the data
$arrays = [
    ['t1-s1-1=1', 't1-s1-2=1', 't1-s2-1=1', 't1-s2-2=1'],
    ['t2-s1-1=1', 't2-s2-1=2', 't2-s2-2=1'],
    ['t3-s1-1=1', 't3-s2-1=1', 't3-s3-1=1', 't3-s3-2=3']

// bi-dimensional array
$output = [];

// it will store all columns you find in the $arrays entry
$allColumns = [];

// iterate for every array you receive, i.e. ['t1-s1-1=1', 't1-s1-2=1', 't1-s2-1=1', 't1-s2-2=1']
foreach ($arrays as $array) {
    // iterate over every element in the array: 't1-s1-1=1', 't1-s1-2=1', 't1-s2-1=1' and 't1-s2-2=1'
    foreach ($array as $item) {
        // extract the parts on every element: $matches is an array containing the different parts
        preg_match('/^(t\d+)-(s\d+-\d+)=(\d+)/', $item, $matches);
         * $matches[0] would contains the element if matched: 't1-s1-1=1'
         * $matches[1] would contains 't1' if matched
         * $matches[2] would contains 's1-1' if matched
         * $matches[2] would contains 1 (integer) if matched
        if (!empty($matches)) {
            $output[$matches[1]][$matches[2]] = $matches[3];
            $allColumns[] = $matches[2];

// clean duplicates
$allColumns = array_unique($allColumns);

// sort values alphabetically

// iterate over the just created bi-dimensional array
foreach ($output as $row => $columns) {
    // iterate for all columns collected before
    foreach ($allColumns as $column) {
        // if one of column in 'allColumns' doesn't exit in $output you added in the correct place adding a zero value
        if (!in_array($column, array_keys($columns))) {
            $output[$row][$column] = 0;
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Table Page</title>

        echo '<tr><th>Test</th>';
        foreach ($allColumns as $head) {
            echo sprintf('<th>%s</th>', $head);
    echo '</tr>';
        foreach ($output as $key => $columns) {
            echo sprintf('<tr><td>%s</td>', $key);
            foreach ($columns as $column) {
                echo sprintf('<td>%s</td>', $column);
            echo '</tr>';


Try the following:

$final_array = array();
$temp_array = array();
foreach ($t1 as $t) {
  $isin = 0;
  $expression = substr($t, 0, strpos($t, "="));
  $expression = str_replace("t1-", "" , $expression)
  $value = substr($t, strpos($t, "=") + 1);
  for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
    foreach ($x = 0; $x < 3; $x++) {
      if ($expression == "s{$i}-{$x}") {
         $isin = 1;
         array_push($temp_array, $value);
  if ($isin == 0) { array_push($temp_array, "X"); }
array_push($final_array, $temp_array);

It's not a great solution because you're choosing to do this in a really odd way but you should see the gist of what how to get what you want from this example.