C ++实例化,在另一个类中,一个类型变量从一组具有相同构造函数的类

C ++实例化,在另一个类中,一个类型变量从一组具有相同构造函数的类


我在C ++中不高级。假设我有一组类,从 A 到任何(数字将随时间增长),使用相同类型的构造函数。假设它看起来像这样:

I am not advanced in C++. Suppose I have a group of classes, from A to whatever (the number will grow in time), that use the same type of constructor. Suppose it looks like this:

class A
    double m_x, m_y;
    A(const double &x, double &y, const short &n) { ... };

每个类都有相同的 m_x,m_y 变量,但它们的计算方式不同。现在有另一个类, Bla ,需要使用前一组类的构造函数,类似这样:

Each of these classes have the same m_x, m_y variables, but they calculate it differently. Now there's another class, say Bla, who needs to use the constructors from the previous group of classes, something like this:

class Bla
    Class m_class;
    Bla(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z, const short &i)
        switch (i)
        case 1: m_class = A::A(...); break;
        case 2: m_class = B::B(...); break;

在构造函数中的 switch(i)根据 i 选择组的构造函数之一。如何使类中的m_class 变量 Bla 开关)在构造函数中?我应该选择什么类型的变量,或如何?

The switch (i) in the constructor chooses one of the group's constructor according to i. How can I make the Class m_class variable inside Bla to be consistent with the switch (i) in the constructor? What type of variable should I choose, or how?

或者, m_class 只需要保存 m_x,m_y 来自组中的一个类的变量,要进一步处理/计算/ etc,还有另一种方法吗?

Alternatively, m_class only needs to hold the m_x, m_y variables coming from one of the classes in the group, to be further processed/calculated/etc, is there another method of doing this? I hope I managed to be clear about this.


You could have an interface class with those common member variables

class I
    virtual ~I() = default;
    double m_x, m_y;

然后从中导出你的具体类,每个将填充 m_x m_y

Then derive your concrete classes from that, each of which will populate m_x and m_y differently.

class A : public I
    A(const double &x, double &y, const short &n) { ... };

然后你的 Bla 工厂并根据您的 i 参数取得特定类型的 I

Then your Bla constructor essentially acts as a factory and makes specific types of I depending on your i parameter

class Bla
    std::unique_ptr<I> m_class;
    Bla(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z, const short &i)
        switch (i)
        case 1: m_class = std::unique_ptr<I>(new A(...)); break;
        case 2: m_class = std::unique_ptr<I>(new B(...)); break;