


I set up a server and database on Digital Ocean using Ploi.io. Ploi sent me an email that my server was created with the following info:

Server IP:
User: myUsername
Sudo password: XXXXXXXXXX

Database user: myUsername
Database password: XXXXXXXXX

I left out the real credentials. When I log in to Digital Ocean I confirm that my droplet was created.

droplet created on digital ocean

I've created a Laravel app and database on my local machine. How do I push my Laravel 5.6 app to this server and database?

我使用 Ploi.io 。 Ploi向我发送了一封电子邮件,说明我的服务器是使用以下信息创建的: p>

数据库用户:  myUsername 
Database password:XXXXXXXXX 
  code>  pre> 

我遗漏了真实的凭据。 当我登录Digital Ocean时,我确认我的Droplet已创建。 p>


我在本地计算机上创建了一个Laravel应用程序和数据库。 如何将Laravel 5.6应用程序推送到此服务器和数据库? p> div>

I already replied to your e-mail, but I will clarify here as well.

You can SSH into the server with the 'ploi' user (ssh ploi@{IP}), with your SSH key added, you will automatically be granted access to your server.

To install a app on your server with Ploi, you can either use: github, gitlab, bitbucket or SFTP to upload your project.

You can add a website in ploi where you can install your project.