


Is there a way to refer to a non-static field of an outer class from a static nested class?


Please see my code below:

public class TestComponent {
    String value;

    public void initialize(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public static class TestLabel extends GenericForwardComposer {
        Label testLabel;
        public void doAfterCompose(Component comp) throws Exception {


This code throws an error at testLabel.setValue(value) as I am trying to make a static reference to a non-static field. But, I need the value to be non-static and yet reference it in the static nested class's method. How do I do it?


You may notice how I instantiate here:

这个想法是用两个不同的值"Label 1"和"Label 2"动态创建两个标签,并将它们附加到两个不同的组件,即vlayout1和vlayout2.但是,当我运行此代码时,标签会附加到每个布局上,但是两个标签的值均为标签2".您可以在以下位置进行测试:

The idea is to create two labels dynamically with two different values "Label 1" and "Label 2" and append them to two different Components i.e. vlayout1 and vlayout2. But, when I run this code, a label gets attached to each of the layouts but the value of both the labels is "Label 2". You can test this at:

问题在于,两次调用IncludeBuilder创建的来自testlabel.zul的两个窗口共享静态类TestLabel.在super.doAfterCompoe()之后,两个调用中的test label的值均设置为"Label 2".

The problem is that the two windows from testlabel.zul created by two calls to IncludeBuilder share the static class TestLabel. After the super.doAfterCompoe() the value of test label is set to "Label 2" in both the calls.


I am using Zk framework and ZK does not have an enclosing instance so the inner nested class TestLabel must be static.

谢谢, 索尼


The inner class can't be static for this to work. It needs have access to the enclosing instance of TestComponent to reference value. Remove the static modifier.