帮助:“第44209行的XML解析错误 - 标记文档行2中的数据的过早结束”


我是xml的新手。我有一个损坏的Word 2013文档。到目前为止,我已经完成了以下工作:

I am new to xml. I have a corrupt Word 2013 document. So far I have done the following:


Change .Docx to .zip

打开。 zip, 提取并保存  Document.xml

Opened .zip, extracted and saved  Document.xml

在Notepad ++中打开.xml文件

Opened .xml file in Notepad++

使用xml工具的已使用插件和带有xml工具的格式化内容Pretty Print(仅限带有换行符的xml)

Used plugin for xml and formatted contents with xml tools Pretty Print (xml only with line breaks)

检查xml,我得到以下错误" x ml第44209行解析错误 - 标记文档第2行中数据的过早结束"

该行代码是代码的最后一位< / w:document>我看不出有问题,而且它有一个相应的开始标记。

The code on that line is the last bit of code </w:document> which I cannot see a problem with, and it does have a corresponding start tag.


Please help, it is vital I recover this document.

Hello bexicano

Hello bexicano


We have received similar requests in past; refer following threads; and our analysis was that the issue is caused by KUTools plugin. We request you to please follow up with KUTools team to get further help as this is not a file format issue and instead plugin related formatting issue.

https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/1a3ecbea-2d22- 4cc8-9ef3-001cfe122eb5 / corrupt-word-document-and-xml?forum = os_binaryfile


https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums / en-US / f45d67e4-4a9c-4eb7-8e9d-8c172f6fdfba / xml-problem-and-corrupted-word-document-parsing-error-?forum = os_binaryfile
