

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I can't seem to get on of them to work for me. The PHP script passes database results to JavaScript like this:

$queryResult =  mysqli_query($dbase, $query);

if ($queryResult) {
  $result = array();
  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($queryResult)) {
      $result[] = $row;

echo json_encode($result);

JavaScript then receives this through AJAX (result of console.log):

[{"id":"1","name":"Babe Ruth","loginID":"babe","loginPW":"babe123"}]

I've tried JSON.stringify, Object.keys(arr), foreach ($arr as $key => $value), for(i in arr), but all to no success.

How can I read this as key-value pairs?


如果以前曾问过这个问题,我道歉,但我似乎无法继续为他们工作 我。 PHP脚本将数据库结果传递给JavaScript,如下所示: p>

  $ queryResult = mysqli_query($ dbase,$ query); 
if($ queryResult){
 $ result  = array(); 
 while($ row = mysqli_fetch_array($ queryResult)){
 $ result [] = $ row; 
echo json_encode($ result); 
  code  >  pre> 

JavaScript然后通过AJAX (console.log的结果)接收到它 em>: p>

  [{“  id“:”1“,”name“:”Babe Ruth“,”loginID“:”babe“,”loginPW“:”babe123“}] 
  code>  pre> 

我已经尝试了 JSON.stringify em>, Object.keys(arr) em>, foreach($ arr as $ key => $ value) em>, for(i in arr) em>,但都没有成功。 p>

如何将其作为键值对读取? p>

TIA。 p> div>

You response is array of objects, You can use next code:

var users = JSON.parse(response);

for(var objId in users) {
    // here you can use construction users[objId].your_key

    console.log('id', users[objId].id);
    console.log('name', users[objId].name);
    console.log('loginID', users[objId].loginID);        
    console.log('loginPW', users[objId].loginPW);

I think you're looking for JSON.parse, e.g

var user = JSON.parse(response)[0];

// Should print "Babe Ruth"

What you've copied looks like a JS array containing one object.

Assuming your array is arr then:

var obj = arr[0];


If what you pasted was actually a string, then you'll need to parse that JSON string with var arr = JSON.parse(response); and continue as mentioned above.

You should get the index 0 of your response, then you can manipulate your object.

var response = [{"id":"1","name":"Babe Ruth","loginID":"babe","loginPW":"babe123"}];
response = response[0];
