ASMX Web服务的授权


我ASMX web服务(C#)。我使用Windows身份验证来访问Web服务。
现在我只需要为用户speciefic提供了一些Web服务方法,例如测试。我找不到这样的授权的例子。 code的一些例子是AP preciated。

I have asmx web service(c#). I'm using Windows Authentication to access web service. Now i need to provide some of web service methods only for speciefic user, for example Test. I cant find examples of such Authorization. Some examples of code would be appreciated.


I don't think that web service have such restriction per memeber. Probably you will need to check the user rights inside of the web service members

   public void HelloWorld()
      if (this.DoesUserHaveRights(HttpContext.Current.User))
          // do the work here
         throw new AuthenticationException();


or somethign like this