

When cropping and resizing images with PHP functions as imagecreatefromjpeg(), imagecrop(), imagecopyresampled(), and the like, you get notified about high memory usage.

If I implement this crop module into a CMS and say 50 people call the crop function at the same time: will the memory usage be multiplied by 50 and thus overload the server memory resources?

If so what would be a good way to queue requests or prevent the overload?

当使用PHP函数裁剪和调整图像大小时, imagecreatefromjpeg() code>, imagecrop () code>, imagecopyresampled() code>等,您会收到有关高内存使用情况的通知。 p>

如果我将此裁剪模块实现到CMS中 并说有50个人同时调用crop功能:内存使用量是否会乘以50,从而使服务器内存资源过载? p>

如果是这样,那么排队的好方法是什么? 请求或防止过载? p> div>

Although this may not be a direct answer to your question, from my experience it is always better to handle image manipulation on another server as you don't want a single user to kill the entire webserver with a few images.

If you handle your images on a different server and it dies, the worst thing that happens is that the image will return 404, but the webserver itself will keep running just fine.

In any case, I would definitely recommend using library such as ImageMagick. It is easier to use and I believe you can set memory limit which it cannot exceed.

The best approach I found for image manipulation so far is AWS Lambda. You can easily write a serverless nodeJS script which downloads your image, performs any modifications to it and uploads it back to your server. Unless you need to process thousands of images every day, you can run it almost for free and it can handle up to 100 simultaneous invocations (it basically starts up to 100 servers at once) so in theory it can be almost 100x faster than if you have to queue your requests.