Bash,评估中的CTRL + C不会中断主脚本


在我的bash脚本中,我正在运行一个存储在 $ cmd 变量中的外部命令.(可以是任何东西,甚至可以是一些简单的bash oneliner.)

In my bash script, I'm running an external command that's stored in $cmd variable. (It could be anything, even some simple bash oneliner.)

如果在运行脚本时按下 ctrl + C ,我希望它杀死当前正在运行的 $ cmd ,但仍应继续运行主脚本.但是,我想保留在运行主脚本时使用 ctrl + C 杀死主脚本的选项.

If ctrl+C is pressed while running the script, I want it to kill the currently running $cmd but it should still continue running the main script. However, I would like to preserve the option to kill the main script with ctrl+C when the main script is running.

cmd='read -p "Ooook?" something; echo $something; sleep 4 ' 
while true; do
    echo "running cmd.."
    eval "$cmd"     # ctrl-C now should terminate the eval and print "done cmd"
    echo "done cmd"
    sleep 5         # ctrl-C now should terminate the main script


Any idea how to do it some nice bash way?


#! /bin/bash

cmd='read -p "Ooook1?" something; read -p "Oook2?" ; echo $something; sleep 4 ' 
while true; do
    echo "running cmd.."
    trap "echo Interrupted" INT
    eval "($cmd)"     # ctrl-C now should terminate the eval and print "done cmd"
    trap - INT
    echo "done cmd"
    sleep 5         # ctrl-C now should terminate the main script

现在,在"Ooook1?"时按 ctrl + C .只有完成读取后,读取才会中断评估.(它将在"Oook2"之前中断.)但是,它将立即中断"sleep 4".

Now, pressing ctrl+C while "Ooook1?" read will break the eval only after that read is done. (it will interrupt just before "Oook2") However it will interrupt "sleep 4" instantly.


In both cases it will do the right thing - it will just interrupt the eval subshell, so we're almost there - just that weird read behaviour..

如果您有能力在子shell中运行 eval 部分,那么您要做的全部"就是捕获SIGINT.>

If you can afford having the eval part run in a subshell, "all" you need to do is trap SIGINT.

#! /bin/bash

cmd='read -p "Ooook1?" something; read -p "Oook2?" ; echo $something; sleep 4 ' 
while true; do
    echo "running cmd.."
    trap "echo Interrupted" INT
    eval "($cmd)"     # ctrl-C now should terminate the eval and print "done cmd"
    trap - INT
    echo "done cmd"
    sleep 5         # ctrl-C now should terminate the main script


Don't know if that will fit your specific need though.

$ ./ 
running cmd..
done cmd
$ ./ 
running cmd..
done cmd
$ ./ 
running cmd..
done cmd
GNU bash, version 4.1.9(2)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)