

I'm trying to single reverse and double reversed quote in PHP using str_replace method but its not getting replaced. I tried to convert it using htmlentities() and replace it using their html values but its not also working.

Here's the code:

$text = htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$text = str_replace("‛", "'", $text);

2nd attempt:

$text = str_replace("‛", "'", $text);

Reference for single and double reversed quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark_glyphs

我正在尝试单一反向' code>并加倍“ code >使用 str_replace code>方法在PHP中反转引用,但它没有被替换。 我尝试使用 htmlentities() code>转换它,并使用它们的html值替换它,但它也不能正常工作。 p>

这是代码: p>

  $ text = htmlspecialchars($ text,ENT_QUOTES,“UTF-8”); 
 $ text = str_replace(“‛”,“'”,$ text); 
   code>  pre> 

第二次尝试: p>

  $ text = str_replace(“'”,“'”,$ text); \  n  code>  pre> 

单引号和双引号的引用: http ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark_glyphs p> div>

@Eugene This should be the one. You forgot _decode.

$text = str_replace(htmlspecialchars_decode("‛"), "'", $text);

This should work:

$text = str_replace(htmlspecialchars("‛"), "'", $text);