在服务器上安装linux [关闭]


I have a desktop and I want to install linux on it and use it as a server. I believe I dont need to install a complete linux distro cause I dont need the user interface, I can command the server using ssh in another computer and tell my web server to install apache, mysql...

I want my webserver not to consume CPU with GUI or mouse or keyboard... I want my linux distro to only usage the resources needed to run the webserver.

Before you ask why I want to do this I will explain myself: I am using AWS for some time and it's amazing how they provide a cloud where I install a linux image and I can control it using SSH from my home! Their server is probably not running any interface, probably there is not even a screen there. It's just a CPU running my web server and listening to SSH to do as I say. There is no need to consume resources having a linux distro with gui and listening to keyboard and mouse events!

我有一个桌面,我想在其上安装linux并将其用作服务器。 我相信我不需要安装一个完整的Linux发行版因为我不需要用户界面,我可以在另一台计算机上使用ssh命令服务器并告诉我的web服务器安装apache,mysql ...... p>

我希望我的网络服务器不要使用带有GUI或鼠标或键盘的CPU ...我希望我的Linux发行版只使用运行网络服务器所需的资源。 p>

在你问之前 为什么我要这样做我会自己解释一下:我使用AWS已经有一段时间了,他们提供了一个安装linux映像的云,我可以用家里的SSH来控制它,这真是太棒了! 他们的服务器可能没有运行任何接口,可能甚至没有屏幕。 它只是一个运行我的Web服务器的CPU,并且正如我所说的那样听SSH做。 没有必要消耗带有gui的linux发行版并监听键盘和鼠标事件的资源! p> div>

Many linux distributions do not require you to install a GUI. Debian and Ubuntu both have this capability to name just a couple. If you install Ubuntu's server version, or uncheck the Desktop environment and check SSH Server in Debian, you'll be able to manage your Linux server like you're managing your AWS instance.

You need linux installed or running off a live CD if you're going to use it as a server. If you don't want to overwrite your desktop installation, you could always use a virtual machine. VirtualBox is a good virtualization software for Windows.